AboutLibraries Versions Save

AboutLibraries automatically collects all dependencies and licenses of any gradle project (Kotlin MultiPlatform), and provides easy to integrate UI components for Android and Compose-jb environments


5 days ago

🚀 Features

  • Kotlin 2.x | Compose Compiler Update | Dependency upgrades
    • PR: #982
  • Upgrade to Kotiln 2.0.0 | Upgrade to Compose Multiplatform 1.6.10
    • PR: #988
  • Fix Library badge cutoff
    • PR: #996
  • Introduce new rememberLibraries API
    • PR: #1000

💬 Other

  • Enhanced wasm sample app | CI to publish to GitHub pages
    • PR: #984
  • Upgrade to Kotiln 2.0.0 | Upgrade to Compose Multiplatform 1.6.10
    • PR: #988
  • Reduce noise of AmbiguousArtifactVariantsException logs even more
    • PR: #990
  • Enhance README for exportVariant API
    • PR: #994
  • Dependency Upgrades | Compose 1.6.11
    • PR: #997


1 month ago

💬 Other

  • Reduce noise of AmbiguousArtifactVariantsException logs even more
    • PR: #990
    • Thanks @sebokopter


1 month ago

🚀 Features

  • Kotlin 2.x | Compose Compiler Update | Dependency upgrades
    • PR: #982
  • Upgrade to Kotiln 2.0.0 | Upgrade to Compose Multiplatform 1.6.10
    • PR: #988

💬 Other

  • Enhanced wasm sample app | CI to publish to GitHub pages
    • PR: #984
  • Upgrade to Kotiln 2.0.0 | Upgrade to Compose Multiplatform 1.6.10
    • PR: #988


1 month ago

🚀 Features

  • Kotlin 2.x | Compose Compiler Update | Dependency upgrades
    • PR: #982

💬 Other

  • Enhanced wasm sample app | CI to publish to GitHub pages
    • PR: #984


2 months ago

🐛 Fixes

  • Fix CollectorTask output to be dependent on project name [Plugin]
    • PR: #980


2 months ago

🚀 Features

  • Ignore case for name of new allowedLicensesMap
    • PR: #976


2 months ago

🚀 Features

  • New API to allow some licenses only for specific libraries
    • PR: #972

💬 Other

  • Protect from problems collecting all dependencies
    • PR: #971


3 months ago

🚀 Features

  • Library Serializer
    • PR: #963
    • Thanks @DatL4g
  • Update major dependencies | Compose 1.6.4 | Compose-MP 1.6.1
    • PR: #968

🐛 Fixes

  • Set onclick listener of SimpleLibraryItem to null if no license is known
    • PR: #966
    • Thanks @alexbakker
  • Sort a copy of the list of libraries to prevent a crash
    • PR: #967
    • Thanks @alexbakker


4 months ago

🚀 Features

  • Upgrade dependencies | Compose 1.6.0 | Compose Compiler | Lifecycle
    • PR: #950
  • Make Library and Licenses data classes stable with KotlinX Collections
    • PR: #947
  • Compose 1.6 | KotlinX Updates
    • PR: #958
  • Update to compose-multiplatform 1.6.0 / compose-android 1.6.2
    • PR: #961

🐛 Fixes

  • Fix wasm sample app no longer loading
    • PR: #951

💬 Other

  • Update README with warning on configPath
    • PR: #948
  • Module specific names
    • PR: #952
  • Lower noise of log
    • PR: #956
  • Update CI gradle action
    • PR: #957
  • Fix CI for releases on macOS-14 runner
    • PR: #960


4 months ago

💬 Other

  • Fix CI for releases on macOS-14 runner
    • PR: #960