AgileMapper Versions Save

A zero-configuration, highly-configurable, unopinionated object mapper with viewable execution plans. Flattens, unflattens, deep clones, merges, updates and projects queries. .NET 3.5+ and .NET Standard 1.0+.


2 years ago
  • Fixing exact-name-matching constructor parameter mapping, re: #221
  • Partial support for VB.NET named, indexed properties, re: #221
  • Fixing .NET 6 Dictionary mapping, re: #222
  • Performance improvements


3 years ago
  • Adding .NET Standard 2.0 target
  • Support for configuring data sources by matcher, re: #208
  • Fixing potential cache threading issue, re: #212
  • Throwing ObjectDisposed on attempt to use disposed Mapper, re: #212
  • Improving target member selection, re: #209


4 years ago
  • Support for configuring complete sub-mappings, re: #176
  • Support for configuring sequential data sources, re: #184
  • Support for configuring alternate data sources, re: #133, #173
  • Including ToTarget data sources in mapping plan validation, re: #184
  • Fixing enumerable target ToTarget data sources, re: #173
  • Fixing caching of custom method struct creation factory
  • Erroring if configured data sources conflict with ignored source members
  • Improving configuration error messages
  • Surfacing mapping plan Expressions
  • Updating to ReadableExpressions v2.5
  • Performance improvements


4 years ago
  • Support for interface type-pairing, re: #163
  • Support for accessing Dictionary keys in custom data sources, re: #162
  • Support for simple type creation with CreateInstancesUsing, re: #165
  • Static API support for type-specific naming rules, re: #175
  • Support for applying custom data sources to root types only, re: #183
  • Handling null return values from custom factory methods, re: #176
  • Support for TimeSpan mapping
  • Support for DateTimeOffset mapping
  • Improved detection of unmappable target types in mapping validation, re: #183
  • Fixing runtime-typed mappings affecting sibling mapping branches, re: #166
  • Fixing numeric to non-int-derived enum mapping
  • Fixing runtime-typed, simple-to-complex to-target data sources, re: #174
  • Performance improvements
  • Adding package icon


5 years ago
  • Support for ignoring source members by member, member filter and value filter, re: #137
  • Support for root enum mapping, re: #138
  • Support for mapping to and from interface member implemented interface members, re: #146
  • Support for mapping (not projecting) queryables
  • Improved detection of constructor-populated members, re: #139
  • Fixing nullable DateTime to string custom format string configuration, re: #149
  • Fixing nested .ToTarget() source member null-checks, re: #145
  • Fixing configured member conflict detection bug #152
  • Fixing interface-to-string mapping using ToString(), re #153
  • Performance improvements


5 years ago
  • Support for mapping callbacks in .ToTarget() data sources
  • Fixing constructability check for .ToTarget() data sources re: #129
  • Fixing .ToTarget() calls with source Dictionaries, re: #133
  • Fixing complex type Dictionary merging
  • Performance improvements


5 years ago
  • Support for using .MapTo<T>() to specify interface implementations (re: #123)
  • Improved support for non-standard collections
  • Improved detection of join entities
  • Automatically mapping complex type members to null if only an identifier is populated, with a non-default value (re: #121)


5 years ago
  • Improved support for non-standard collections
  • Support for composite keys in .IdentityUsing()
  • Updating to ReadableExpressions v2.1.1


5 years ago
  • Support for simple type .ToTarget() configuration
  • Support for automatic use of user-defined operators
  • Support for configured complex-to-simple Type enumerable projection sources
  • Improved null or unconvertible enumerable element handling
  • Fixing object-to-object Dictionary mapping bug #110
  • Fixing repeated DTO mapping bug #115
  • Performance improvements
  • Updating to ReadableExpressions v2.1


5 years ago
  • Making entity key mapping behaviour configurable
  • Support for auto-reversal of configured data sources
  • Added shorthand .Map(source => source.Value, target => target.Member) API method
  • Updating to use ReadableExpressions v2.0
  • Performance and memory use improvements