Air Datepicker Versions Save

Lightweight, dependency-free JavaScript datepicker.


1 month ago

fixed range mode #613


1 month ago

fixed range mode #613


1 month ago

improved destroy() behavior - added isDestroyed property, opts and selectedDates will still have empty values, instead of null, even after AirDatepicker has been destroyed #600


3 months ago
  • added fixedHeight option, allows you to have equal weeks number in every month
  • added method disableDate, allows you to disabled one or multiple dates with datepicker API
  • added prop disabledDates - it is a Set which holds all disabled dates
  • added possibility to pass {silent: true} to update and setCurrentView methods, #583
  • changed update method - now if you pass selectedDates then calendar will keep selected only those dates
  • fixed selecting time on same date when range: true, #568
  • fixed date conversion to local date when using strings, e.g selectDate('2024-03-05') #589
  • fixed localization generation, thanks to hreyeslo in #524
  • fixed type definition for clear method, thanks to ahmetzambak in #591
  • fixed German translation for "clear", thanks to pbek in #582
  • added Slovenian locale, thanks to carliblaz in #569
  • added Basque locale, thanks to ikerib in #529
  • added Norwegian locale, thanks to MortenSpjotvoll in #521


11 months ago
  • added new options onFocus and onBeforeSelect grant you more control over range selection behaviour and more #526
  • added new method getViewDates() allows you to get all dates that should be currently displayed in calendar #536
  • toggleSelected now can be a function #534
  • fixed clear method #546
  • added Bulgarian locale, thanks to tonytomov, in #531
  • added Catalan locale, thanks to joatb, in #542
  • added Croatian Locale, thanks to diomed, in #551


1 year ago
  • added handling of optional chaining operator in dist package #518
  • added Indonesian locale, thanks to BariqDharmawan, in #517