Alfred Ask Create Share Save

Alfred workflow for creating web submissions (Stack Exchange, Forums and more)

Project README

Alfred Ask Create Share

Alfred workflow for creating web submissions (Stack Exchange, Forums and more)


You can filter submissions by using various prefixes.

Prefix Description
s: Filter for asking questions on any one of stack exchange sites
f: Filter for asking questions on various forums like Alfred Forum
g: Currently allows you to quickly create new repository or new gist
d: Create Google docs, sheets, slide or form

For creating submissions on Reddit subreddits, use Reddit workflow.


Download workflow from GitHub releases.

See here for instructions on fixing permissions in macOS refusing to run Go binary.


Always open to useful ideas or fixes in form of issues or PRs.

Can open new issue (search existing issues first) or start discussion.

It's okay to submit draft PR as you can get help along the way to make it merge ready.

Join Discord for more indepth discussions on this repo and others.


Support on GitHub or look into other projects.

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Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Alfred Ask Create Share" Project. README Source: nikitavoloboev/alfred-ask-create-share
Open Issues
Last Commit
5 months ago

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