Angular Testing Recipes Save

Simple testing patterns for Angular version 2+

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Angular Testing Recipes

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This repo is for Angular version 2+. More »

The goal of this repository is to have a collection of recipes for common testing scenarios with Angular. I'm happy for every contribution/suggestion :smiley:.

Talk (Video + Slides)

I've been giving a talk on "Testing with Angular".


All the scenarios are listed here below and nicely linked to the source file.

  1. Testing Components
  2. Testing Services
  3. Testing Pipes
  4. Custom Matchers and Utilities

Articles on Testing

Run them yourself

If you want to run the example locally,

  1. clone this repository
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm test to execute all the tests

By running npm run you can run the tests in watch mode which is particularly useful during development.


Wanna help? Of course! Just open an issue and/or send me a PR :smiley:.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Angular Testing Recipes" Project. README Source: juristr/angular-testing-recipes
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 year ago

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