ANIclustermap Versions Save

A tool for drawing ANI clustermap between all-vs-all microbial genomes


7 months ago

Change Log


  • Added --cbar_pos CLI argument option
  • Changed docstrings style google to numpy
  • Changed linter flake8 to ruff


1 year ago

Change Log


  • Added support for ANI calculation with skani
  • Added --mode CLI argument option for selecting ANI calculation tool
  • Added --overwrite CLI argument option

Bug Fix

  • Fixed bug that removed end of certain filenames (#6)


2 years ago
  • Add --cmap_ranges option (#1) Improvements to allow users to specify colorbar range by ANI value
  • Fix annotation value to be shown in figure Before: Rounded ANI values are shown (e.g. 99.99... -> 100) After: Rounded down ANI values are shown (e.g. 99.99... -> 99.9)


2 years ago

First Official Release