Ansible Keepalived Versions Save

Keepalived role for ansible deployment


1 year ago


1 year ago

What's Changed

CI work:

The last one is very sad. I am now thinking of a different approach, using lxd or systemd-nspawn. I am tired of the regular breaking changes that plague the role testing.

Code improvements

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

General comments and important changes

A lot of things happened for this release. Thank you to all the contributors!

Amongst the major changes:

  • We removed support of CentOS 7 in this release.
  • We re-introduced debian testing, and rockylinux 8.
  • We worked on tests: Increased coverage, validation of templates before they are applied, stabilized test suite.

See more details below, or go to the full changelog (link below).

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


3 years ago

Fix incomplete removal of notify_master_rx_lower_pri.


3 years ago

Bug fixes, features, and important changes.

  • The notify_master_rx_lower_pri previously exposed in 4.3.0 was partially incorrect, it also was applied incorrectly to sync_groups. As no such thing exists in keepalived, that was removed, fixing a bug of incorrect templating. Reported by @elcomtik
  • Added support of Ansible 3.0 by changing the metadata of this role.
  • Added a feature, keepalived_sysctl_tcp_retries, that automatically configures sysctl tcp_retries2. It is useful for faster failover. I used to set it on my machines, but it's not the first time I hear people wanting to have it in the role (to understand the context of the change), so here it is. By default, this will set the sysctl to a more appropriate default (8) than the current linux default of "15". If you have other roles defining your sysctls running on the same nodes as the ones running keepalived, keep that sysctl in mind! This is a "breaking" change, as behaviour of systems is effectively changed by this. We are bumping this role to a new X version.

I hope you enjoyed reading those release notes, drop me a message if you like this role!


3 years ago

Exposed in the role the keepalived feature notify_master_rx_lower_pri: This script is executed if a master receives an advert with priority lower than the master's advert.

Thanks @eifelmicha for this!

As this is a new feature for the role, we bump the Y version.


3 years ago

smtp notifications now possible, thanks to @eifelmicha !