Aoba MC Hacked Client Save

A free, custom, open source hacked client for Minecraft 1.21 using Fabric

Project README

Aoba Hacked Client (1.21)

A custom hacked client for Minecraft 1.21 using Fabric .


  • Fully featured Alt Manager with MCLeaks integration.
  • Working Command System.
  • ClickGui with moveable/pinnable windows and customization.
  • Plenty of hacks with rebindable keybinds.

Default Keybinds:

~ - Toggle ClickGUI.
↑ - Move menu 'cursor' up.
↓ - Move menu 'cursor' down.
← - Leave current 'mod' menu.
→ - Enter currently selected 'mod' menu.\




This code is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. You may use code published here in your own clients under the same license.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Aoba MC Hacked Client" Project. README Source: coltonk9043/Aoba-MC-Hacked-Client

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