Aoba MC Hacked Client Versions Save

A free, custom, open source hacked client for Minecraft 1.21 using Fabric


1 week ago

Release of Aoba 1.4.2 for Fabric 1.21 (1.20.x will be released eventually)

Please be aware that this client requires both Fabric and the latest Fabric API, which can be found at: link

What's Changed

  • Added MaceAura (will SLAM down on any enemy near you. Similar to KillAura)
  • Added ClickTP
  • Added HighJump
  • Added additional options to several modules
  • Fixed Aoba commands going through server chat (Sorry!)
  • Fixed NoSlowdown not working properly
  • Fixed Spider not working properly
  • Fixed Block Selector HUD element not showing highlighted blocks correctly
  • Fixed RadarHUD not showing entity positions correctly
  • Fixed issue where Fullbright would be turned off after toggling XRay
  • Fixed crash when Aimbotting on players
  • Reworked Freecam (WIP but works well)
  • Removed Nametags temporarily (Will appear in next update)
  • Performance improvements in several modules

More changes coming soon. Stay tuned.


1 month ago

Release of Aoba 1.4.1 for Fabric 1.20.5-1.20.6 AND 1.21.

Please be aware that this client requires both Fabric and the latest Fabric API, which can be found at: link

Please note that different versions will require different APIs. Please ensure you download the correct one.


If backporting to earlier versions is in popular demand, I will do so. PLEASE report any issues that you find with the client. Although I do try my best to discover and fix these bugs, any input helps.

What's Changed

  • Updated to 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
  • Code cleanup and optimization
  • Added dedicated "Toggle Huds" GUI for enabling / disabling HUD elements.
  • Fixed AutoTotem
  • Fixed Fly horizontal speed not being consistent with vertical speed.
  • Optimized Nuker and added a 'Creative' option. Only enable Creative when in Creative Mode to prevent unwanted server kicks/bans.
  • Fixed Global Chat slowing down launch when Global Chat server is down.
  • Fixed GUI crash on mouse scroll.
  • Fixed issue with Mouse actions crashing client on launch.
  • Fixed issue with Keyboard actions crashing client on launch.
  • Active Modules now show all the time and no longer require 'ModuleSelectorHud'

Full Changelog:


3 months ago

Release of Aoba 1.4.0 for Fabric 1.20.2-1.20.4.

Full release of Aoba 1.4.0... finally.

Please be aware that this client requires both Fabric and the latest Fabric API, which can be found at: link

  • Please note that different versions will require different APIs. Please ensure you download the correct one.


  • All changes from 1.4.0 prelease have been implemented.

  • New TTF Font system that allows loading of user-defined fonts at launch.

  • Global chat is now up and running smooth. No more glitchy chat.

  • UI Text will now wrap properly (most of the time)

  • Module bug fixes.



Q: How do I install custom fonts? A: You can install fonts by placing them into %appdata%\.minecraft\aoba\fonts. These fonts will then be picked up the next time you boot the game. We included a bundle of recommended fonts but you are free to use your own. Medium/Bold fonts work best due to the limitations of Minecraft's TTF renderer.

Q: Tilda does not work for me. How do I open the ClickGUI? A: You can open the ClickGUI with commands now. Type .aoba clickgui open

Q: Where did the module selector go? A: It is still there, but must be added through the ClickGUI first. You will only have to do this once. Sorry about this!

Q: No Rainbow color? A: Coming in 1.4.1!

Install Instructions: Simply drag the jar file into your .minecraft/mods folder with Fabric installed. This folder is located in %appdata%.

Contributions and thanks!

Full Changelog:


4 months ago

Third Pre-release of Aoba 1.4.0 for Fabric 1.20.4.

Please be aware that this client requires both Fabric and the latest Fabric API (0.96.3), which can be found at the link

I REPEAT. THIS IS A PRE-RELEASE. Expect things to be buggy and not work as well as they should. If you have any suggestions or find any bugs, let me know!


  • Added Global Chat, which can be toggled on and off through the Chat screen.

  • Added Block Selector on Modules that have the ability to change which blocks are affected.

  • Added Suround hack.

  • Added Zoom hack.

  • Added Icons to each category.

  • Fixed FastBreak.

  • Fixed AntiKnockback.

  • Fixed Criticals.

  • Fixed Tracer.

  • Fixed settings with numbers not rounding properly.

  • Fixed several issues with UI not working correctly.

  • Removed depreciated Mojang accounts.

Install Instructions:

Simply drag the jar file into your .minecraft/mods folder with Fabric installed. This folder is located in %appdata%.


  • Option to swap for Unicode font.
  • Global Chat button causes Chat to lose focus, meaning you cannot type.


6 months ago

Second Pre-release of Aoba 1.4.0 for Fabric 1.20.2.

Please be aware that this client requires both Fabric and the latest Fabric API (0.90.7), which can be found at the link

I REPEAT. THIS IS A PRE-RELEASE. Expect things to be buggy and not work as well as they should. If you have any suggestions or find any bugs, let me know!



  • Fixed several UI bugs and improved usability across the board.
  • Fixed several settings not persisting throughout game sessions.
  • Fixed issue where opening chat would crash the game.
  • Several performance improvements.
  • Added changable ClickGUI keybind. Users can now change the ClickGUI key bind via the ClickGUI or commands (.aoba clickgui)
  • Added color pickers for GUI colors. You can now set Foreground, Background, and Border colors in the HUD Tab. (likely to change)
  • Added Alpha to the color pickers. You can now change the transparency of each color.
  • Added ability to open ClickGUI using commands.
  • Should have fixed an issue with Sinytra connector not being able to load Aoba version.

Install Instructions:

Simply drag the jar file into your .minecraft/mods folder with Fabric installed. This folder is located in %appdata%.


  • Option to swap for Unicode font.
  • Icons
  • Update to 1.20.4


7 months ago

Pre-release of Aoba 1.4.0 for Fabric 1.20.2.

Please be aware that this client requires both Fabric and the latest Fabric API (0.90.7), which can be found at the link

I REPEAT. THIS IS A PRE-RELEASE. Expect things to be buggy and not work as well as they should. I'm releasing this in hopes to get a little bit of feedback on where to go next. The client is absolutely playable, and I encourage you to give it a try, but unexpected bugs may occur.



  • New Modules: Jetpack, NoJumpDelay
  • New Module Settings: Added Keybinds to each of the modules. Added a new Color system to any module that uses any sort of colored rendering.
  • Completely overhauled the look and feel of the UI: Components are much more intuitive to use rather than a bunch of blocky sliders and buttons. HUDs can be disabled and moved around. Different pages of tools/huds are seperated by a Tab system.
  • Revamped UI Backend: This allows for more complex components to be made and put in place and should allow for ease of creating new UIs and HUDs.
  • New Event System: This system should help increase performance all around. Instead of continuously checking to see if an event should/has occured, it will now perform an action concurrently with the event. This also allows for additional functionality across the board.
  • New Settings System: Thanks to @OsakiTsukiko, a new Settings system has been put in place that is a drastic improvement from the previous. Anything can now have a setting, and this setting will be automatically saved and loaded with ease whenever the client is loaded.

Install Instructions:

Simply drag the jar file into your .minecraft/mods folder with Fabric installed. This folder is located in %appdata%.

Known Bugs:

  • HUDs state not persisting.
  • Colors not persisting.
  • HUDs require double click to enable / disable.
  • Opening Module Settings can get lost underneath other UI elements.


  • Option to swap for Unicode font.
  • Icons

Final Thoughts:

Sorry that this update ended up taking so long. Turns out writing an entire UI and Event System from scratch can be a real headache. Hopefully these updates alone make up for the wait. In the meantime, I am going to continue working away at this in hopes of polishing it up to the standards I'd like for a full release. Thanks for anyone trying this out, I really appreciate it.


1 year ago

Release of Aoba 1.3.2 for Fabric 1.20 and 1.20.1.

Lots of Command related changes and fixed to several hacks.

Please be aware that this client requires both Fabric and the latest Fabric API, which can be found at the link


  • Fixed Command System and made several under-the-hood improvements.
  • Add Command history that allows you to bring up your last Aoba command.
  • Added Command suggestions similar to Vanilla Minecraft command suggestions.
  • AutoSoup now allows you to customize the number of hearts that it will trigger on.
  • Added a AuthMe Cracker (WIP)

Install Instructions: Simply drag the jar file into your .minecraft/mods folder with Fabric installed. This folder is located in %appdata%.


1 year ago

Release of Aoba 1.3.1 for Fabric 1.20 and 1.20.1. Unfortunately I cannot do a 1.19.4 release at the moment.

Please be aware that this client requires both Fabric and the latest Fabric API, which can be found at the link


  • Fixed Freecam
  • Fixed AutoFish
  • Fixed Jesus
  • Fixed AntiCactus

Install Instructions: Simply drag the jar file into your .minecraft/mods folder with Fabric installed. This folder is located in %appdata%.


1 year ago

Where'd 1.2 go?!

Release of Aoba for Fabric 1.20

Please be aware that this client requires both Fabric and Fabric API, which can be found at the link

Install Instructions: Simply drag the jar file into your .minecraft/mods folder with Fabric installed. This folder is located in %appdata%.


2 years ago

Pre-release of Aoba for Fabric 1.18.2

Please be aware that this client requires both Fabric and Fabric API, which can be found at the link

Install Instructions: Simply drag the jar file into your .minecraft/mods folder with Fabric installed. This folder is located in %appdata%.