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archive of my personal website built w gatsby.js

Project README

Tech Stack ?

Foundation ?

Using GatsbyJs the website's React code is rendered to static HTML at built time. Once a client visits the page, a JavaScript bundle is loaded asynchronously.

Data ?

Content is stored in markdown files and queried using GraphQL.

Styling ?‍?

Styling is done using Styled Components.

Linting & Formatting ?

The codebase is type-checked using TypeScript, formatted using Prettier and linted using TSLint. Enforced using commit hooks.

Continuous Deployment ?

As soon as changes are merged into the master branch, the page will automatically be built by Netlify. It is then deployed as a static site using the Netlify CDN.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Archive" Project. README Source: jul-sh/
Open Issues
Last Commit
2 years ago

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