Arviz Versions Save

Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models with Python


2 months ago

This release highlights are support for nested dictionaries and pytrees in from_dict converter and data examples updates: it adds a new example data rugby_field with 4d variables and updates the rugby example to include log_prior and unconstrained_posterior groups.

It also has bugfixes and addresses multiple deprecation warnings from dependencies that were being triggered.

Full changelog available on GitHub.


3 months ago

Patch release with a couple bug fixes, mainly plot_forest didn't work when latest numba was installed which has now been fixed.

Full changelog available on GitHub.


6 months ago

This new release adds a couple new features, mainly support for prior/likelihood sensitivity checks via arviz.psens and several bugfix and documentation improvements.

Full changelog available on GitHub.


11 months ago

This patch release includes numba related fixes to avoid triggering deprecations and improve behaviour overall.

Full changelog available on GitHub.


11 months ago

This new release adds several new features, mostly related to InferenceData I/O and maintenance and bugfix improvements.

Full changelog available on GitHub.


1 year ago

v0.15.1 (2023 Mar 06)

New features

Maintenance and fixes

  • Fix memory usage and improve efficiency in from_emcee (2215)
  • Lower pandas version needed (2217)



  • Update documentation for various plots (2208)


1 year ago

What's Changed

New features

  • Adds Savage-Dickey density ratio plot for Bayes factor approximation. (2037, 2152)
  • Add CmdStanPySamplingWrapper and PyMCSamplingWrapper classes (2158)
  • Changed dependency on netcdf4-python to h5netcdf (2122)

Maintenance and fixes

  • Fix reloo outdated usage of ELPDData (2158)
  • plot_bpv smooth discrete data only when computing u_values (2179)
  • Fix bug when beanmachine objects lack some fields (2154)
  • Fix gap for plot_trace with option kind="rank_bars" (2180)
  • Fix plot_lm unsupported usage of np.tile (2186)
  • Update _z_scale to work with SciPy 1.10 (2186)
  • Fix bug in BaseLabeller when combining with with NoVarLabeller (2200)



  • Add PyMC and CmdStanPy sampling wrapper examples (2158)
  • Fix docstring for plot_trace chain_prop and compact_prop parameters (2176)
  • Add video of contributing to ArviZ webinar in contributing guide (2184)

Maintenance and fixes

  • Fix dimension ordering for plot_trace with divergences (2151)

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

v0.13.0 (2022 Oct 22)

Release highlights:

New features

  • Add side argument to plot_violin to allow single-sided violin plots (1996)
  • Added support for Bean Machine via the function from_beanmachine. (2107)
  • Add support for warmup samples in from_pystan for PyStan 3. (2132)
  • New arviz.extract function.

Maintenance and fixes

  • Addressed netCDF writing issues. (2129)


  • Removed fill_last, contour and plot_kwargs arguments from plot_pair function (2085)

See full file for a detailed release changes description.


1 year ago

v0.13.0rc1 (2022 Oct 22)

Release highlights:

New features

  • Add side argument to plot_violin to allow single-sided violin plots (1996)
  • Added support for Bean Machine via the function from_beanmachine. (2107)
  • Add support for warmup samples in from_pystan for PyStan 3. (2132)
  • New arviz.extract function.

Maintenance and fixes

  • Addressed netCDF writing issues. (2129)


  • Removed fill_last, contour and plot_kwargs arguments from plot_pair function (2085)

See full file for a detailed release changes description.