Audio Analysis Save

The audio analysis code (AnalysisPrograms.exe) for the QUT Ecoacoustics Research Group

Project README


The source code for the QUT Ecoacoustics AnalysisPrograms.exe (AP.exe) program. Documentation (in progress) can be found at

  • Ask questions or start a discussion with us in the discussions 🙂
  • See the docs for instructions on
    • Downloading AnalysisPrograms.exe
    • Running the program
    • Understanding concepts
  • See the Issues list for
    • reporting bugs
    • requesting new features
  • See the Contributing guidelines if you want to
    • Compile the code yourself
    • Make a contribution
  • Our documentation can be found at
    • The source files are in the docs folder and instructions for editing them are in docs/
  • Let us know if you're using AP.exe


QUT Ecoacoustics Analysis Programs is a software package that can perform a suite of analyses on audio recordings of the environment. Although the analyses are intended for long-duration recordings (1 – 24 hours), in fact they can be performed on any audio file in a format supported by the software. Analysis Programs can:

  • calculate of summary and spectral acoustic indices at variable resolutions
  • produce long-duration, false-colour, multi-index spectrograms
  • calculate critical statistics of annotations downloaded from an Acoustic Workbench
  • run various acoustic event recognizers

All the analyses are performed by a single executable file, AnalysisPrograms.exe.



This citation should be used in all publications that use data, concepts, or results generated by AnalysisPrograms.exe or from this code base:

Michael Towsey, Anthony Truskinger, Mark Cottman-Fields, & Paul Roe. (2020, November 15). QutEcoacoustics/audio-analysis: Ecoacoustics Audio Analysis Software v20.11.2.0 (Version v20.11.2.0). Zenodo.

Additionally, depending on the analysis that was run, extra work may be required to be cited. Any such additional citations will printed in the console and in the log file.

Build status

build docs docs release

Weekly versions of AnalysisPrograms.exe are now built automatically at midnight Monday night. You can get copies from the Releases page.

Per-commit (the very latest) builds can be found from the Actions page.


This project is very old. We've released the full history for the sake of maintainability and transparency. Unfortunately this means all code before our open source release is not open sourced.

In practice this should never be a problem. We never use our old code, except for historical purposes, and you never should need to either. If you do need to use any of this code, just raise an issue and we'll make an exeption for your use case.

Newer code - All commits after 2018-01-30

All code after a275d0bc5744ba43096b43de2ef2aee32dc14c18 () are licensed under the Apache License 2.0

Older code - All commits before 2018-01-30

All commits before a275d0bc5744ba43096b43de2ef2aee32dc14c18 () are not licensed under an open source license. All rights and copyright are retained, however, the public has permission to view, link to, and cite the code on GitHub.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Audio Analysis" Project. README Source: QutEcoacoustics/audio-analysis
Open Issues
Last Commit
9 months ago

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