Awesome Crowdsales Save Abandoned

A curated list of ICO repositories that produced ERC20/ERC223 tokens

Project README

Awesome Crowdsales

A curated list of ICO repositories that produced ERC20/ERC223 tokens. Awesome

ICO contracts

Token Name Framework Used Version
Cindicator truffle 3.4.9
Lunyr truffle 3.1.2
Bancor truffle 3.2.2
Edgeless populus 1.5.0
Golem pyethereum
Aragon truffle 3.1.9
Gnosis truffle 3.x
Storj TokenMarket
EOS Dapp
SONM truffle
BAT none
MobileGo none
MotherShip truffle 3.2.5

ICO frameworks

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Awesome Crowdsales" Project. README Source: rstormsf/awesome-crowdsales
Open Issues
Last Commit
6 years ago

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