Basmilius Weather Icons Save

Free to use animated weather icons.

Project README
Bas Milius Logo Meteocons


Free to use animated SVG weather icons. Handcrafted by Bas Milius.

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âš’ Process

  • An icon is designed in Adobe Illustrator.
  • Icons are exported to plain SVG files.
  • Animations are added by editing SVG files.
  • A node.js script minifies the SVG's.

🎨 Design files

This repository not only contains the production-ready files, but also the original design files. You may use these files to adjust icons or even create new ones. The design files are Adobe Illustrator .ai-files.

🌥 Missing an icon?

Please let me know by creating an issue. Keep in mind that I only accept icons that are somewhat weather related.

Partly Cloudy Day Partly Cloudy Day Rain Tornado Clear Night

Partly Cloudy Day Partly Cloudy Day Rain Tornado Clear Night

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Basmilius Weather Icons" Project. README Source: basmilius/weather-icons

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