Bcal Versions Save

:1234: Bits, bytes and address calculator


2 years ago


2 years ago
  • show binary conversion output in octets for readability
  • handle ^D
  • quit program or 'exit' or 'quit'
  • fix broken terminal with calc as backend on "undefined input" (#36)



4 years ago

What's in?

  • Support calc for multi-base expressions
  • To use calc, export BCAL_USE_CALC=1
  • Fix lint issues
  • Fix issue #30
  • Updated auto-generated packages
  • More portable Makefile


5 years ago

What's in?

  • Support for C bitwise operators (|, ^, &)
  • Support floating point in unit conversion
  • Support hex in expressions
  • Persistent readline history
  • Static-analysis (clang-tidy and coverity) integration


5 years ago

What's in?

  • bc mode for general purpose calculations
  • Bitwise shift (<< and >>) operations
  • Base conversion in interactive mode
  • Prompt help


6 years ago

What's in?

  • REPL mode with last result stored
  • Division of an unit by another unit
  • Detect truncation due to division in expressions
  • Use bc to evaluate expressions that cannot be handled
  • Show storage unit (B for byte) in minimal mode


6 years ago

What's in?

  • Dependency on libquadmath dropped (bcal is on Homebrew now!)
  • Option -b to show byte size of basic data types
  • Limit unit conversions to long double (__float128_t is not portable)
  • Fix test case failures on OS X
  • Generate packages for many more distro versions
  • Automated build and test for gcc, clang (Linux and OS X) and musl-gcc (Linux)


6 years ago

What's in?

  • PackageCore integration
  • Automated testing in Travis CI


7 years ago

What's in?

  • Evaluate storage arithmetic expressions involving +, -, *, / (thanks @SampuZ)
  • A minimal mode (option -m) to show result in bytes
  • Assume byte if unit is omitted for a conversion
  • A Python3 test framework with multiple test cases
  • Several fixes and additional sanity checks on input


7 years ago


  • Support binary and octal in CHS2LBA and LBA2CHS conversions