BdR76 CSVLint Versions Save

CSV Lint plug-in for Notepad++ for syntax highlighting, csv validation, automatic column and datatype detecting, fixed width datasets, change datetime format, decimal separator, sort data, count unique values, convert to xml, json, sql etc. A plugin for data cleaning and working with messy data files.

1 week ago
  • #91 Bugfix: Reformat, Sort and Add Column no longer changes CRLF to LF
  • #89 Improved enumeration detection
  • Sort dialog, new option Sort on length of value
  • Sort and Add Column, allow resize of dialogs for long column names
  • Generate scripts, various improvements
  • Various bugfixes

6 months ago
  • #80 Settings dialog, Colors button appearance
  • #70 Convert data, new option AutoSyntaxLimit
  • Generate metadata, support PowerShell script
  • Generate metadata, support datadictionary CSV
  • Manual detect, new button to copy column positions
  • Rename setting NullValue to NullKeyword
  • Update Donate button link
  • Various updates and bugfixes

1 year ago
  • #63 Support for enum/coded values
  • #64 Analyse Data Report show correct date range
  • #67 #69 Fix rare crashing situation due to transparent cursor line setting
  • #66 Syntax highlighting with special separator character
  • Convert to SQL, PostgreSQL improvements, enum and table comment
  • Generate Python/R, enum support
  • Generate W3C CSV Schema JSON various improvements
  • Settings dialog, remove userpref dialog values
  • Various updates and bugfixes

1 year ago
  • #48 Improved comment character support
  • Dark mode dialogs
  • Various bugfixes and updates

1 year ago
  • #50 Bugfix for Syntax Highlighting and Windows code page 936
  • #46 New SkipLines feature and support for line comment character
  • #53 Syntax highlighting bugfix when editing quoted values
  • #51 More consistent use of trim/quote settings
  • #54 Allow user to delete column
  • Split on character, new option split on Nth occurrence
  • Replace buymeacoffee link with donate PayPal link
  • Various bugfixes and updates

1 year ago
  • Detect fixed width, allow manual column positions
  • Button to toggle syntax highlighting
  • Allow user to change font in docked window textboxes
  • Minor bugfixes

1 year ago
  • Apply quotes bugfix, also values that contain CrLf character
  • Sort data and split column, use quotes correctly
  • Sort data and split column, also support fixed width
  • Various minor updates


1 year ago
  • Improved compatibility with Windows unicode UTF8 setting
  • Sort data, new option to sort on column
  • Split column, add options pad character, search and replace
  • Split column, remove options when contains, decode multiple value
  • Default color sets now have 12 colors instead of 8 (less repeats) + optimal color contrast
  • Settings dialog, color set preview icons
  • Autodetect improved, skip empty lines + clear message when nothing detected
  • Metadata for fixed width, also output absolute positions
  • Various bugfixes

1 year ago
  • Split column bugfix for issue #35
  • Detect columns, improved datetime mask detection
  • Detect columns, new setting ErrorTolerance
  • Analyze dataset, DateTime range fixed for two-digit year
  • Manually edit metadata sometimes crashed, now fixed
  • Various bugfixes

1 year ago
  • Option to manually override detect columns
  • Fixed width, improved column detection
  • Reformat data, new option to replace CRLF
  • Apply quotes bugfix for issue #29
  • Various minor updates