Bit Versions Save

A build system for development of composable software.


1 month ago

New Features

  • bit completion command to support autocomplete for component names, commands, sub-commands and flags (currently supported macos/linux) - bit completion >> ~/.zshrc (#8888, #8898)
  • Ability to open component in the browser with bit show COMPONENT-NAME --browser (#8910)
  • env.jsonc supports extends option, to allow inheriting from another env.jsonc (#8896)
  • bit status warns if you have components depending on deprecated components another code-smell (#8854, #8882, #8891, #8892)
  • Ability to keep file as part of a components (#8909)
  • Easy way to import and keep dependencies more up-to-date with --dependencies-head option for bit import (#8920)
  • Checkout to an ancestor-x revision of a component with head~x (bit checkout head~2 COMPONENT) (#8870)
  • Set a workspace name on initialization with bit init --name NAME (#8919)


  • Upgrade to PNPM 9 (#8770, #8901, #8867, #8913, #8878, #8904, #8879, #8877, #8916)
  • Add time when log is printed to the console (#8929)
  • Make bit status output cleaner when there are many warnings and add --warnings option to see verbose output (#8899)
  • Default to defaultScope from workspace.jsonc for the bit scope fork command (#8885)
  • Add a -r alias for --auto-merge-resolve (#8862)
  • Auto generate local scope when needed (#8923)
  • Improve outputs from bit lane merge around updating dependencies in workspace.jsonc (#8886)


  • Improve performance of dependency installation and resolution (#8925, #8926, #8921)

Bug Fixes

  • Show a descriptive error when running bit-scope commands outside a workspace (#8884)
  • Fix an issue where bit checkout didn't respect --auto-merge-resolve flag when finding workspace.jsonc conflicts (#8930)
  • Fix various issues with component comparison (#8874, #8865, #8869, #8864, #8858)
  • Fix an issue where loading consumer-components failed when cache issues found (#8927)
  • Fix an issue where bit eject-conf changed the env-version of a component (#8912)
  • Fix an issue where deps for generators weren't installed correctly (#8906)
  • Fix an issue where bit diff didn't import missing objects (#8861)
  • Fix several inconsistencies around updating dependencies (#8903, #8883, #8872)


  • Improve setting up a local dev-environment for Bit (#8928, #8922, #8905)
  • Improve preview entries (#8911, #8691)
  • Improve handling cache and memory store (#8902, #8780)
  • Update version hash calculation (#8887)
  • Add ability for some commands to skip the loadAspects step (#8849)
  • Improve support for ESM in core aspects (#8890, #8895)
  • Commit back generated CLI Reference (#8863)
  • Removed unused code paths (#8876, #8875, #8873)
  • Move core implementations to external components (#8860, #8914)
  • Vulnerability fixes (#8857, #8853, #8908)
  • Fix flaky tests (#8893)


1 month ago

New Features

  • Introduce bit unset-peer to support undoing `bit set-peer (#8843)
  • Introduce bit unuse to remove a configured aspect from workspace.jsonc (#8848)


  • bit status to show all soft-tagged components in a dedicated category (#8835)
  • Add a new component-issue "Import From Directory" suggesting to import from specific files (instead from ./) (#8806)
  • Support .gitignore file in the component root-dir to avoid adding specific files to a specific component (#8847)
  • Support --range flag for bit remove and bit deprecate to affect a range of versions (#8844)
  • Support a new flag bit switch ... --head to checkout to the head of a main or lane head once switched (#8851)
  • Support doing a lane merge in a new lane with bit merge move sub command (#8834)

Bug Fixes

  • Support aliases on exported nodes in schema extractor (#8838)
  • Fix an issue where it was not possible to import org.scope/** while in a lane (#8836)
  • Ensure aspects replaces properly in workspace.jsonc during bit scope rename (#8842)
  • Block from creating a component with the same name as the template name (#8831)
  • Block removal of new aspects that are used by other components (#8830)
  • Fix an issue where bit remove didn't remove envs from workspace.jsonc (#8829)
  • Fix an issue where bit checkout didn't reset component.json if exists locally (#8826)
  • API Reference overview section design fixes (#8832)


  • Remove dependencies (#8852, #8850, #8845)
  • Skip tests at tagging in the peer dependencies e2e test (#8855)
  • Refactor, remove tsconfig-writer (#8846)
  • Introduce a new flag bit sign --save-locally to make debugging easier (#8828)
  • Shorter capsule dir name (#8827)


2 months ago

New Features

  • Introduce a new command bit lane eject to remove the component from lane and install the component as a dependency (#8819, #8820)


  • Add scope name validations when creating a new lane (#8811)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix preview fixes introduced by moving to @pnpm/node-fetch (#8808, #8822)
  • Fix an issue where there is more than one terminal spinner with the same name (#8824)
  • Fix an issue where lane merge added a package with the same name to workspace.jsonc (#8817)
  • Fix an issue when an env was renamed, the generator entry for it in workspace.jsonc remained (#8813)
  • Avoid replacing end-of-line character on Windows, keep them as got them from Prettier. (#8810)
  • Fix an issue where component compare didn't show previous version (#8809)


2 months ago

New Features

  • New --import for bit watch to update the workspace when git pull changed the .bitmap file (#8795, #8803, #8798)
  • New flags for bit build --rewrite and --reinstall to use in conjunction with --reuse-capsules for better debugging for build pipelines (#8779)
  • Support a root-level .bitignore file (#8781)


  • React, Node and Symphony templates default to ESM
  • Improve logging of stack trace of errors thrown by build tasks (#8783)
  • Improve various CLI end terminal outputs (#8784)
  • Rename --merge to --auto-merge-resolve to be aligned with other commands (#8782)


  • Ensure deleted components do not get rebuilt (#8797, #8799, #8796)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue where bit config set didn't work for communication with scope APIs (#8801, #8790)
  • Fix an issue where bit init didn't add a workspace.jsonc (#8800)
  • Fix an issue where remote registry throws an error but the version was actually published (#8789)
  • Fix an issue where component checked out to main version when importing with wildcards on lane (#8788)
  • Fix an issue where component preview loaded indefinitely instead of presenting an error (#8778)
  • Fix an issue where external envs didn't load correctly from global scope (#8786)
  • Ensure the correct version of the env is set for generated components (#8787)


  • Change loadLane to return undefined instead of null if not exists (#8805)
  • Fix flaky test "optional dependencies - affect capsule" (#8794)


2 months ago

New Features

  • Set BIT_DISABLE_CONSOLE=true BIT_DISABLE_SPINNER=true to get more focused CI logs (#8765)
  • bit login --refresh-token to generate a new token, instead of bit logout && bit login, also added prompt when running bit login when token is already set (#8760, #8758)


  • Improve CLI and terminal outputs (#8764, #8740, #8739, #8718, #8720, #8751)
  • Enforce cases where component should import it's own files, not it's module (for example, for component @teambit/design.button use import { Button } from "./button" instead of import { Button } from "@teambit/design.button") (#8757)
  • Component dependencies in workspace.jsonc entries to update during bit import (#8761)


  • 50% faster compile step during bit build when using @teambit/typescript.typescript-compiler@^2.0.27 (#8755, #8773, #8774)
  • bit compile and bit link are about 60% faster, each (#8734)
  • Tarball from bit doctor --archive is much smaller (#8767)
  • Improve "component loading" slightly (#8752)
  • Cache modules manifest (#8736)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Webpack on windows failed during preview because not finding all assets for bundle size calculation (#8785)
  • Fixed a bug where existing the compile step during bit build (Ctrl+C) didn't work (#8775)
  • Ensure network settings passed correctly to pnpm (#8772)
  • Fix an issue where bit login happens before loading of any aspects or components, so user doesn't hit 404 error (#8750)
  • Fix an issue where using package name for commands where component was private failed (#8748)
  • Various fixes for ensuring dependency management is more deterministic (#8754, #8768, #8741, #8746, #8737 )
  • Fixed an issue where bit status warned about circular dependencies even after issue resolved (#8735)


  • Update compilation for core Bit aspects (#8769, #8776, #8745, #8730, #8697, #8756)
  • Update many e2e tests (#8749, #8732)
  • Remove some legacy code (#8742, #8747)
  • Eject core code to external components (#8762)
  • Fix setup scripts on Windows (#8727)
  • Improve how Bit finds the instance of "component-issue" (#8777)
  • Report config.user_name during package installation (#8759)
  • Refactor some code paths (#8600, #8731)


3 months ago

New Features

  • Introduce bit version-history command to get complete component history in Directed Acyclic Graph (#8712, #8714, #8717)


  • bit create supports --force param for forcefully generate a component when directory already there (#8708)
  • bit scope rename command renames full directory path unless --preserve flag used (#8704)
  • Improve error messages and terminal outputs (#8705, #8698, #8726, #8706, #8699, #8701, #8703)
  • bit npmrc generate to fetch username from cloud instead of global config, if possible (#8725)
  • Allow skipping updating or generating npmrc on bit login (#8724)
  • Testers now support testing with source files, as an alternative to compiled (#8723)


  • Improve bit compile performance by calculating distDirs once per component (#8728)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where bit lint would run on un-modified components (#8709)
  • Ensure @teambit/legacy will not be installed as a dependency (#8694)
  • Fixed an issue where bit env set would try and set a component as env (#8696)
  • Fixed an issue where scope fork was disabled when file system paths in workspace were conflicting (#8700)


  • Update dependencies (#8722, #8721)
  • Refactor handling of linter and prettier aspects (#8719, #8711, #8707)
  • Fix tests for optional dependencies (#8713)
  • New onCommandStartSlot (#8695)


3 months ago


  • Update dependency versions in workspace.jsonc according to semver ranges during bit import (#8686)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a case where a component was not marked set an optional peer dependency (#8688)
  • Improve outputs and terminal messages (#8673, #8678, #8684)
  • Fix an issue where some build tasks silently didn't run (#8679)


  • Temporarily rollback auto installation of peer dependencies, to overcome mixup of Typescript versions (#8693)
  • Move some functions to new components (#8689)
  • Remove unwanted deps (#8687)
  • Add missing dependencies to package.json (#8680, #8682)
  • Add a new API to getCurrentSnap() for the Component object (#8677)


3 months ago


  • bit doctor supports --include-node-modules and --exclude-local-scope (#8670)
  • bit start has a new set of outputs, removing the ink library (#8641, #8630)


  • Improve managing of component version history (#8612)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix and improve many CLI outputs and messages (#8618, #8674, #8672, #8633, #8631, #8636, #8642, #8622)
  • Fix an issue where import dependents didn't get all dependency paths (#8669)
  • Fix an issue where changing peerDependencies rules caused a change to lockfile (#8668)
  • Fix the width of component size tooltip (#8659)
  • Fix an issue where dependency on a semver pre-release was not saved with exact version (#8662)
  • Fix an issue where during tag or snap didn't import VersionHistory if ParentNotFound error occurred (#8664, #8663)
  • Fix an issue where merging lanes caused explicitly added dependencies were removed from the merged outcome (#8665)
  • Do not allow running bit init --refer-scope within a sub-directory of a workspace (#8634)


  • Auto install peerDependencies in capsules (#8621, #8658)
  • Upgrade typescript from 4.7.4 to 5.3.3 (#8643)
  • Update nodejs to v20.11.1 (#8616)
  • Update dependencies (#8652, #8657, #8666, #8650)
  • Migrate legacy code to Bit components
  • Refactor and move legacy code to components (#8649, #8648, #8647, #8637, #8639, #8638, #8632, #8635, #8626, #8646, #8625, #8661, #8617)
  • Add support for mts/cts/mtsx/ctsx files for TS compiler (#8619)
  • Better cache handling for various watchers like bit server (#8620)


4 months ago

New Features

  • Navigate from components to their dependencies from the code viewer (#8556)
  • Mark a component to be a peerDependency when installed to a workspace with bit set-peer <comp> [range] (#8591, #8561)
  • Introduce "--skip-tasks" flag to filter out specific tasks from a build pipeline (#8611)


  • Update base component templates (#8574, #8573, #8588, #8614)
  • Generate package.json with type:module on bit init (#8572)
  • Improve various CLI outputs and errors (#8605, #8603, #8602, #8592, #8585, #8532, #8578, #8593, #8595)


  • Avoid calculating whether a component ID belong to a lane if all objects exist (#8607)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix various bugs in @exports for automated API schema; remove duplicate values and allow more types of nodes to export (#8552, #8553)
  • Remove redundant dependencies from basic starter workspace policy (#8555)
  • Fix output when importing artifacts from a lane (#8545)
  • Fix and issue where after creating a component an error message for tsconfig not found appeared (#8562)
  • Fix an issue where comparing for modifications was against the head of the lane, not what is current in workspace (#8554)
  • Fix an issue where components marked as peerDependencies are missing many "component dependencies" features, like being presented on the dependency graph, and not triggering auto-tag (#6375)
  • During update-dependents ensure dependency versions are set according to the lane (#8566)
  • Fix an issue where peerDependencies changes weren't listed on bit diff (#8586)
  • Fix an issue where EOF char showed as change in bit diff (#8610)
  • Fix an issue where prints to terminal on windows lost pretty colors (#8601)
  • Enable running bit move after manually moving a component on the file system (#8599)
  • Sort list of dependencies by name (#8594)
  • Fix an issue where snap-hash wasn't converted to semver before checking for workspace.jsonc conflicts (#8590)
  • Convert mainFile to linux format before saving into component objects (#8608)


  • Ability for envs to manipulate generated API schema (#8559)
  • Improve ESM support (#8548)
  • Various cleanup and code refactors (#8547, #8613, #8606, #8568, #8579, #8569, #8598, #8596, #8604)


4 months ago

New Features

  • Generate ~/.npmrc file for logged in user (#8525, #8523, #8514, #8521)
    • New command bit npmrc generate to populate the .npmrc file according to remotes (with ability to --dry-run)
    • Generate .npmrc during bit login
  • Add decorator support for automated API reference (#8517)
  • Ability to deprecate past versions (including ranges) of components (#8522)
  • bit import --dependents to import a selected "path" of dependents from a source component to all its dependents in your workspace (#8505)


  • Configuration to disable generating component's API schema (#8506)
  • Bit update should default to update dependencies to latest, unless --semver option used (#8453)
  • bit rename to mark old name as deleted instead of deprecated (#8518)


  • Use cache to calculate dependency graph in a Scope (#8529)

Bug Fixes

  • bit lane merge to handle a case when a component was locally deleted (#8524)
  • Fix a bug where app artifacts weren't saved correctly on Windows (#8504)
  • Improve CLI error messages (#8519, #8530)
  • Fix an issue when navigating between composition of a specific version and it's code-behind (#8510)
  • Fix component rename on fork by forward AST options flag when refactoring variables and classes (#8509)
  • Fix an issue where bit deps get --tree didn't work when cyclic deps found (#8528)
  • Fix an issue where bit deps get didn't include deleted components (#8526)


  • Remove dead code (#8513)
  • Make ignore-issues param for tag or snap mandatory, if any particular issue found (#8512)
  • Improve aspect-loading when testing the Bit core codebase (#8516, #8515)
  • Prepare for automated peerDependency installation in capsules (#8527, #8450, #8537)