Bitflags Versions Save

A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags


1 week ago

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3 months ago

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5 months ago

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8 months ago

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10 months ago

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1 year ago

Changes to -=

The -= operator was incorrectly changed to truncate bits that didn't correspond to valid flags in 2.3.0. This has been fixed up so it once again behaves the same as - and difference.

Changes to !

The ! operator previously called Self::from_bits_truncate, which would truncate any bits that only partially overlapped with a valid flag. It will now use bits & Self::all().bits(), so any bits that overlap any bits specified by any flag will be respected. This is unlikely to have any practical implications, but enables defining a flag like const ALL = !0 as a way to signal that any bit pattern is a known set of flags.

Changes to formatting

Zero-valued flags will never be printed. You'll either get 0x0 for empty flags using debug formatting, or the set of flags with zero-valued flags omitted for others.

Composite flags will no longer be redundantly printed if there are extra bits to print at the end that don't correspond to a valid flag.

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

Major changes

BitFlags trait deprecated in favor of Flags trait

This release introduces the Flags trait and deprecates the BitFlags trait. These two traits are semver compatible so if you have public API code depending on BitFlags you can move to Flags without breaking end-users. This is possible because the BitFlags trait was never publicly implementable, so it now carries Flags as a supertrait. All implementations of Flags additionally implement BitFlags.

The Flags trait is a publicly implementable version of the old BitFlags trait. The original BitFlags trait carried some macro baggage that made it difficult to implement, so a new Flags trait has been introduced as the One True Trait for interacting with flags types generically. See the the macro_free and custom_derive examples for more details.

Bits trait publicly exposed

The Bits trait for the underlying storage of flags values is also now publicly implementable. This lets you define your own exotic backing storage for flags. See the custom_bits_type example for more details.

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1 year ago

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