Bluez Rs Versions Save

Control Bluetooth on Linux.


1 year ago
  • Use Tokio directly in library
  • Add support for SDP (service discovery protocol)
  • Get rid of ManagementClient to reduce issues with threading/synchronization
    • Management operations now use ManagementStream directly
  • Fewer panics on invalid/missing data


3 years ago
  • Update tokio, bytes, enumflags2 and bitvec to latest versions that still compile (1.0, 1.0, 0.7, and 0.20 respectively).


3 years ago

This is a pretty minor release, but I gave it a major version because I upgraded bytes, which is a breaking change.


  • Upgraded to bytes 0.6
  • Upgraded to bitvec 0.19
  • Switched async-std for smol
    • Except in examples, where we are now using async-std 1.7


3 years ago
  • Add support for default system/runtime configuration (#17)
  • Update enumflags2 version (#16)
  • Use correct command in remove_device (#15)

Thanks, @oxc!


4 years ago

Fix #7


4 years ago

Fixes #1, #3, and #4: bugs in parsing data received from the kernel.