BlurView Versions Save

Dynamic iOS-like blur of underlying Views for Android


5 years ago

Fix potential NPE when trying to update blur before the layout happened -

Fix rendering issue on API 21 emulator, fix setBlurAutoUpdate method not working -


5 years ago

A new approach to blur updating. Not requesting an invalidate() now, but relying on hardware accelerated drawing behavior, which re-renders a previously recorded bitmap draw command when something is invalidated in the hierarchy. For a library user, it just means a much better performance.

A new approach to blur coordinates calculation. Now properly mapping the BlurView coordinates to content underneath, even if it's in the separate window (like dialogs)

Fix bug preventing blur algorithms with canModifyBitmap() == false to work. Add a javadoc explaining how to implement similar algorithms.


5 years ago

Added support of transparent background for blurred Views. Now buffer is cleared before each frame with transparent color, in case if FrameClearDrawable is not specified.

API breaking naming changes in BlurView's methods.

Update dependencies and target API 28.


6 years ago

Fixed issue #63, now BlurView properly supports Views that are not a part root View and able to calculate their real position on screen (for example Dialogs).

New API setHasFixedTransformationMatrix(boolean) can slightly improve performance if you're not animating your BlurView.

Potential API breaking change in setters of BlurView. Previously ControllerSettings builder-ish kind of class was used for some settings. Now these setters are moved to BlurView and ControllerSettings were removed. Update the code if you were referencing these settings directly.


6 years ago

Updated dependencies and build tools to 27.0.2, fixes Issue 58


7 years ago

Fix crash for case when BlurView is not a child of the rootView (

Support RenderScript dependency is now optional (

RenderScriptBlur constructor parameters changed (removed canModifyBitmap flag).


7 years ago

Remove synthetic accessor methods. Fix bug when user was disabling blur auto update, but the flag was overridden after attaching BlurView to window. Control of blur auto update is now made through setBlurAutoUpdate(boolean enabled). 2 old methods were removed in favor of this.


7 years ago

Prevent multiple BlurView to trigger each others redraw. Update example project.


7 years ago

Fixed BlurView behaviour in lists. Now properly restarting auto blur update if BlurView is recycled by ListView or RecyclerView.

Fixed issue addressed in SOF post. Now calculating real position relative to root view, not to direct parent. This allows using BlurView in Lists, Fragments and other cases, when its position was not properly mapped to root view's coordinates.

Update Gradle and libs versions.

Small clean up of lint warnings and Javadoc.


7 years ago

Fixed issue As a result, added hardware accelerated window requirement. BlurView now can't be used with software rendering.

Removed StackBlur due to its implementation flaw and performance. Now RenderScriptBlur is the default algorithm.

Added possibility to disable/enable blur.