Bootstrap Star Rating Versions Save

A simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin with fractional rating support.


2 years ago

Date: 20-Sep-2021

  • Simplify NPM module handling.


2 years ago

Date: 11-Sep-2021

  • (enh #215): Correct NPM module handling.


2 years ago

Date: 25-Jul-2021

  • (bug #213): Correct mousenter event to mouseenter.
  • (enh #212): Enhance caption badge styles.
  • (enh #211): Correct keyboard arrow keys behavior for RTL oriented inputs.
  • (enh #210): Revamp themes - set default theme to Krajee SVG.


3 years ago

Date: 21-May-2021

  • Correct minThreshold default value.


3 years ago

Date: 21-May-2021

  • (enh #209): Enhancements to support BS 5.x (and 4.x/3.x).


3 years ago

Date: 20-May-2021

  • (enh #208): Corrected positioning of the base input on which the rating is triggered.
  • (enh #205): Add Dutch Translations.
  • (enh #200): Activate Open Collective.
  • (enh #199): Add Greek Translations.
  • (enh #145): Minimum value threshold validation.
    • New property minThreshold which allows a star rated with minimum value always. The initial value of the rating is set to minThreshold if it has a value undefined or a value less than minThreshold
    • The minThreshold value must be a value between the min and max values
    • If minThreshold is set to less than min the plugin will default minThreshold to the min value
    • If minThreshold is set to greater than max the plugin will default minThreshold to the max value
  • (enh #129): Enhance accessibility & make the stars keyboard focusable.
    • New property keyboardEnabled - defaults to true
      • allow use of tab keyboard button to navigate to the rating
      • allow use of arrow right and arrow left keyboard buttons to change the rating value
    • New property mouseEnabled - defaults to true
      • when set to false - the mouse cannot be used to change the ratings
  • (enh #111): Add titles to individual star elements.
    • New config property starTitles (can be set as object or function) - will set the title for each star
  • (enh #110): Hover events reworked. New events added rating:mouseenter and rating:mouseleave
$('#ratingInput').on('rating:mouseenter rating:mouseleave', function(e, index, status, $star) {
    console.log(index); // the index number of the star where the event was triggered
    console.log(status); // whether the mouse event was triggered on `empty-star` or `filled-star`
    console.log($star); // the current star jquery object where event was triggered 
    console.log($star.attr('title')); // can get properties of the star object


5 years ago

Date: 25-May-2019

  • (enh #195): Update Bootstrap dependency.
  • (enh #194, enh #180): Allow StarCaptionClasses CSS classes to also be set by Percentage width.
  • (enh #190): Update German Translations.
  • Implement stale bot.


5 years ago

Date: 04-Oct-2018

  • (enh #189): Add Bengali Translations.
  • (enh #188): Allow showCaption when displayOnly is true.


5 years ago

Date: 15-Sep-2018

  • Enhancements to support Bootstrap v4.x.
  • Better styling of stars for the 5 rating sizes and maintain consistency across themes.
  • (enh #187): Add Kazakh translations.
  • (enh #184): Correct rating-input style to keep it hidden - yet trigger required validation.
  • (enh #182): New Krajee Font Awesome 5.x fas theme.
  • (bug #177, enh #179): New property showCaptionAsTitle
    • Useful for caption to be displayed as title for readonly ratings.


6 years ago

Date: 03-Nov-2017

  • (bug #173): Correct rating:change event.
  • (enh #171): Rename events to start with rating: instead of rating.
  • (enh #170): Enhancements to support Bootstrap v4.x framework.