Bootstrap Table Versions Save

An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation, Vue.js)


1 month ago


  • Update(cookie): Fixed cookie does not work bug with pagination ALL list.
  • Update(editable): Fixed the formatter function does not include the field parameter bug.
  • Update(toolbar): Fixed toolbar display bug when using an HTML title.
  • Update(toolbar): Fixed toolbar does not update bug when column visible updated.
  • Update(toolbar): Fixed toolbar does not update bug when the locale is changed.


2 months ago


  • New: Added sl-SI locales.
  • New: Added support for HTML to the updateColumnTitle method.
  • Update: Fixed the getRowByUniqueId bug when uniqueId is of mixed data formats.
  • Update: Fixed not triggering sort event bug using server-side pagination.
  • Update: Fixed custom iconPrefix and icons bugs.
  • Update: Fixed virtual scroll cannot work bug in modal.


  • Update(multiple-sort): Fixed the duplicated ID bug in the multiple-sort extension.


3 months ago


  • New: Added paginationLoadMore option.
  • Update: Fixed change visibility of multiple headers with the same index.
  • Update: Fixed footer height bug when setting table-sm.
  • Update: Fixed the locale not changed bug using the refreshOptions method.
  • Update: Fixed custom iconPrefix and icons bugs.
  • Update: Updated vi-VN, zh-CN and zh-TW locales.


  • New(copy-rows): Added copyRowsHandler option to handle the copy rows data.
  • New(print): Added printStyles option.
  • Update(export): Updated the trigger timing for export-started.
  • Update(multiple-sort): Fixed the missing parameters error of the sorter function.
  • Update(pipeline): Fixed loading message not display bug.


4 months ago


  • New: Added fixedScroll option.
  • New: Added support for setting icons automatically by iconsPrefix.
  • Update: Fixed search bug when the field has . character.
  • Update: Updated tr-TR, es-ES, pt-BR and pt-PT locales.


  • New(addrbar): Fixed addrbar bug when using sortReset option.
  • Update(jump-to): Fixed page jump to bug when using both pagination display.
  • Update(print): Fixed print bug when field is not set.


5 months ago


  • New: Added footerStyle column option.
  • Update: Fixed empty style in header and footer bug.
  • Update: Fixed the trigger order of sort event.
  • Update: Updated ar-SA locale.


  • New(cookie): Added cookie support for custom view extension.
  • Update(cookie): Fixed cookie bug when using cardView option.
  • Update(cookie): Fixed cookie bug with column switchable.
  • Update(editable): Fixed export-saved event error when exportDataType is all.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed searchAccentNeutralise option not work.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed filterOrderBy not work bug for select.
  • Update(group-by): Fixed group by bug when using singleSelect option.
  • Update(reorder-rows): Fixed reorder bug when using pagination.


  • Update: Improved the parameter of updateCellByUniqueId method.
  • Update: Improved the print docs.


11 months ago


  • Update: Fixed maximum call stack size exceeded error.
  • Update: Updated ca-ES locale.


1 year ago


  • New: Added sortBy method.
  • New: Added switchableLabel column option.
  • New: Added support for class attribute in toolbar buttons.
  • Update: Removed title from columns button.


  • Update(addrbar): Fixed clear search bug when clicking clearSearch button.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed pagination server side not working bug.


1 year ago


  • New: Added searchable table option to enable sending searchable (columns) parameters.
  • Update: Fixed Maximum call stack size exceeded error.
  • Update: Fixed getData bug with hidden rows.
  • Update: Added support for select form to the searchSelector option.


  • Update(filter-control): Fixed inputs losing their content when using nested attributes.
  • Update(reorder-rows): Fixed reorder row bug when side-pagination is server.


1 year ago


  • New: Added escapeTitle table option.
  • New: Added Aria Label to the search input for screenreaders.
  • New: Persist data attributes for the header(th).
  • Update: Fixed wrong condition for searching with server-side pagination.
  • Update: Fixed overwriting the filterOptions after rebuild.
  • Update: Fixed apostrophe issue when table via html.
  • Update: Updated extend util instead of $.extend.
  • Update: Updated Constructor.EVENTS to events.
  • Update: Updated packages to the latest version.


  • Update(cookie): Fixed issue with hidden and radio/checkbox columns.
  • Update(export): Fixed exportTypes option not working bug.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed selector scope issues with multiple tables.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed filtering values issue of select with html value.
  • Update(reorder-columns): Fixed same internal function name with reorder-rows.
  • Update(treegrid): Fixed treegrid not working when id is text.


1 year ago


  • New: Added sortResetPage option to reset the page number when sorting.
  • Update: Fixed overwrite default option bug.
  • Update: Updated es-ES, es-CR locale.
  • Update: Improved scss style and lint.
  • Update: Used scss vars for sorting background image URLs.


  • New(custom-view): Added onToggleCustomView event.
  • Update(cookie): Fixed cookie name compare bug on using cookiesEnabled option.
  • Update(custom-view): Fixed showCustomView option cannot work.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed bug while using a select filter and set searchFormatter to false.
  • Update(filter-control): Fixed missing class when specifying iconSize.
  • Update(reorder-rows): Updated default value to reorder-rows-on-drag-class of onDragClass option.