BotNeck Bot Versions Save

A simple discord selfbot for BetterDiscord. Installs as a plugin


2 years ago

At this point I'm going to have to invest in an in-client updater ?‍♂️


API Changes


Command Changes


General Changes

  • Fixed CommandManager to allow both ' and " in the same argument without overlap
  • Fixed textOnly mode causing issues when only sending text instead of an embed
  • Fixed textOnly mode stripping text when an embed is present


2 years ago

Bug fixes :3


API Changes


Command Changes


General Changes

  • Fixed Canary XHR request escalation
  • Fixed issue with files not uploading when using the bot


2 years ago

I hate Electron's isolated context


API Changes

  • Broke the websocket events

Command Changes

  • Removed the remote command due to websockets not working on the new BetterDiscord version

General Changes

  • Fixed the plugin not working on the new BetterDiscord version


3 years ago

Removal of mistakes


API Changes

  • Fixed embeds not being removed when a message is edited through async
  • Changed errors into objects for easier readability and debugging

Command Changes

  • Added xkcd command

General Changes

  • Fixed config folder not being created on startup
  • Fixed errors due to incorrect naming scheme for V2Command


3 years ago

Slowly but surely


API Changes

  • Added BotNeckConversions which will be used for converting between different formats easily (currently internal only)

Command Changes

  • Fixed calculator causing errors
  • Added a new textOnly command

General Changes

  • Added a new text only mode, which changes embeds into stylized text (Suggestion by ThumusLive)
  • Made config files auto-generate instead of having them pre-set


3 years ago

Just some basic changes nothing to worry about


API Changes

  • Added an event handler to BotNeckClient (you can now use the "on" function for events)

Command Changes

  • Added ability to insert JSON into the embed command with the "json" argument
  • Added amount of dice selection to roll command
  • Made max number optional in the roll command
  • Fixed color number parsing issue in the embed command

General Changes



3 years ago

This is the largest update the bot has gotten so far, so it might contains bugs. Please make sure to report bugs to the issues page so they can be fixed! This will also be the final recode of the bot, every version after this one will simply be adding to this, so v3 is the final major version.


API Changes

  • Completely changed the API
  • Added JSDocs to the API
  • Added API module to include when making a module
  • Removed permissions
  • Added backwards support for v2 modules
  • Made it NodeJS module based
  • Made commands and modules seperate
  • Began adding Discord API
  • Added more and better embed presets
  • Added direct capturing of websock messages and XML requests

Command Changes

  • Ported all modules and commands to v3 from v2
  • Removed chat backup (will be added back eventually)
  • Added saving and loading of embeds

General Changes

  • Completely recoded the bot
  • Added remote commands (run commands from mobile)
  • Fixed tons of issues
  • Improved command and argument parsing
  • Improved embed looks
  • Added ability to turn off error embeds
  • Tons of performance improvements
  • And many more...


3 years ago

API Changes

  • Added getCurrentUser API
  • Added get_current_user_info permission

Command Changes

  • Added F command
  • Added ability to have spaces in field names in the embed command using _
  • Added new config command for quick configuration of the bot

General Changes



4 years ago

API Changes


Command Changes

  • Added AniList command

General Changes



4 years ago

API Changes

  • Empty argument values now return false instead of 0

Command Changes

  • Added Embed command

General Changes

  • Updated ReadMe