Brod Versions Save

Apache Kafka client library for Erlang/Elixir


2 years ago
  • Update kafka_protocol from 4.0.1 to 4.0.3. Prior to this change the actual time spent in establishing a Kafka connection might be longer than desired due to the timeout being used in SSL upgrade (if enabled), then API version query. This has been fixed by turning the given timeout config into a deadline, and the sub-steps will try to meet the deadline. see more details here:
  • Catch timeout and other DOWN reasons when making gen_server call to brod_client, brod_consumer and producer/consumer supervisor, and return as Reason in {error, Reason}. Previously only noproc reaon is caught. (#492)
  • Propagate connect_timeout config to kpro API functions as timeout arg affected APIs: connect_group_coordinator, create_topics, delete_topics, resolve_offset, fetch, fold, fetch_committed_offsets (#458)
  • Fix bad field name in group describe request (#486)


3 years ago


4 years ago