Build User Vars Plugin Save

Set of environment variables that describe the user who started the build

Project README

Build User Vars Plugin

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Set of environment variables that describe the user who started the build.

Variables provided

The plugin provides the following environment variables:

Variable Description
BUILD_USER Full name (first name + last name)
BUILD_USER_ID Jenkins user ID
BUILD_USER_GROUPS Jenkins user groups
BUILD_USER_EMAIL Email address

Since 1.8

Set the global option to add build user variables to the environment for all builds (in Manage Jenkins, Configure System).

Usage example

Select Set Jenkins user build variables and reference the variables during the build:

Pipeline Examples

node {
  wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) {
    def user = env.BUILD_USER_ID


Release notes are available in GitHub Releases since July 2020 (build-user-vars plugin 1.6 and later). Prior release notes are available in the plugin repository changelog.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Build User Vars Plugin" Project. README Source: jenkinsci/build-user-vars-plugin

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