Bython Versions Save

Python with braces. Because python is awesome, but whitespace is awful.


5 years ago

Version 0.8 is now released.

  • Output flag now supports directories in addition to concrete file names, and will place all the resulting Python files in the given directory.
  • Several critical bugfixes.


6 years ago

Version 0.7 is released, and it contains some exiting updates. Among them:

  • Bython is now a Python package! That means you can install it with setuptools, instead of the clunky Makefile used earlier. It is now also available on PyPI, so you should be able to install it via pip.
  • Support for importing bython modules in python via a new bython_import function.
  • Improvements in the Bython code generated by py2by, specifically the placement of closing braces
  • Several smaller improvements and bugfixes.


6 years ago

After several bugfixes version 0.6 is released. This version doesn't contain that much new features, but fixes some important bugs.


6 years ago

Version 0.5 is here! In addition to several bugfixes, this version introduces:

  • Handling of empty {}. Now, 'pass' is autmatically inserted in empty braces.
  • The resulting Python code is more in line with the styling guidelines
  • More robust and detailed error printing
  • A verbose flag ('-v', version is now '-V' instead) to let you see what's going on


6 years ago

New version of Bython, some new features include:

  • Automatic parsing of imported files
  • A translator from python to bython has been added
  • Bython will no longer mess with your working directory, but place temporary files in a dedicated dot-folder in home instead
  • Several smaller bugfixes and improvements