Carla Versions Save

Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research.


7 months ago

Release 0.9.15


  • Added Digital Twins feature version 0.1. Now you can create your own map based on OpenStreetMaps
  • Added compatibility with SymReady Assets, using NVIDIA Omniverse
  • Added new maps: Town13 (is a large map) and Town15
  • The spectator will be used to load tiles and actor in Large Maps when no other actors with the rolename 'ego_vehicle' or 'hero' are present. Added the spectator_as_ego to the carla.WorldSettings() to allow users to disable this behavior.
  • Add keyword arguments for carla.TrafficManager Python API functions
  • Added build support for VS2022 and Ninja for LibCarla and osm2odr on Windows
  • Added empty actor
  • Restored gamma value to 2.2 instead of 2.4
  • CarlaExporter tool now exports the box collider and convex collider of the object if it has one, otherwise the mesh
  • Pedestrians with AI or in replayer are now faster around 10x. They have collisions disabled until they hit a vehicle.
  • Added API function to avoid replaying the spectator
    • Client.set_replayer_ignore_spectator(bool)
    • using flag --move-spectator
  • Surface non-unity build mode by passing ARGS=--no-unity to make; allows IWYU-type errors to be unmasked and fixed.
  • Added maps, vehicles, pedestrians and props catalogues to the documentation
  • Collisions detected by the CollisionSensor no longer generate more than one event per frame.
  • Added API function to load a map only if it is different from the current one.
  • Fixed a bug in the TrafficManager causing vehicles that reached an ending lane to have abnormal behavior while lane changing.
  • Fixed bug causing the TM's unstuck logic to incorrectly remove the vehicles in some situations.
  • Fixed the extra data in Directx textures, so we need to copy row by row on Windows to remove extra bytes on images
  • Fixed vertices of big meshes (more than 65k vertices) in CarlaExporter
  • Fixed sensors to check for the stream to be ready (race condition)
  • Fixed bug causing the FPixelReader::SavePixelsToDisk(PixelData, FilePath) function to crash due to pixel array not set correctly.
  • Fixed segfaults in Python API due to incorrect GIL locking under Python 3.10.
  • Fixed the import script, where could use any other TilesInfo.txt if the destination folder has many


1 year ago

Release 0.9.14


  • Fixed bug in FrictionTrigger causing sometimes server segfault
  • Added attachment type "SpringArmGhost" for cinematic cameras but without doing the collision test.
  • Improved algorithm to move signals out of the road by computing the desired displacement direction.
  • Added TrafficManager.vehicle_lane_offset(actor, offset) and TrafficManager.global_lane_offset(offset) methods.
  • Some of the warnings shown when building a map will now only be showing when debugging.
  • The ids for semantic segmentation has been modified to be the same as cityscapes (labels, ids and colors)
  • Fixed bug causing traffic signals at the end points of a road to sometimes create malformed waypoints.
  • Fixed pedestrian skeleton frame, where sometimes it was draw displaced from the body
  • Fixed decals when importing maps. It was using other .json files found in other packages.
  • In multi-GPU mode some sensors now are forced to be created on the primary server always (ex. collision sensor)
  • Added the speed limits for 100, 110 and 120 Km/h.
  • Fixing sensor destruction, now the stream and socket is succesfully destroyed.
  • Fixed bug at Vehicle.get_traffic_light_state() and Vehicle.is_at_traffic_light() causing vehicles to temporarily not lose the information of a traffic light if they moved away from it before it turned green.
  • Changed the height of the automatic spawn points, from 3m to only 0.5m
  • Added pedestrian skeleton to the recorder, as additional data. They will replay with the exact pose.
  • Added multi-GPU feature. Now several servers (with dedicated GPU) can render sensors for the same simulation.
  • Fixed bug causing the Vehicle.get_traffic_light_state() function not notify about the green to yellow and yellow to red light state changes.
  • Fixed bug causing the Vehicle.is_at_traffic_light() function to return false if the traffic light was green.
  • Fixed bug causing the scene lights to return an incorrect location at large maps.
  • Fixed bug causing the world.ground_projection() function to return an incorrect location at large maps.
  • Added failure state to vehicles, which can be retrieved by using Vehicle.get_failure_state(). Only Rollover failure state is currently supported.
  • Fixed bug causing the TM to block the simulation when a vehicle with no physics was teleported.
  • Fixed bug causing the TM to block the simulation when travelling through a short roads that looped on themselves.
  • Improved the TM's handling of non signalized junctions, resulting in a more fluid overall behavior.
  • Added check to avoid adding procedural trigger boxes inside intersections.
  • Python agents now accept a carla.Map and GlobalRoutePlanner instances as inputs, avoiding the need to recompute them.
  • Python agents now have a function to lane change.
  • Python agents now detect vehicle in adjacent lanes if invaded due to the offset.
  • Fixed bug causing the python agents to sometimes not detect a blocking actor if there were severral actors around it.
  • Improved Python agents performance for large maps.
  • Fix a bug at Map.get_topology(), causing lanes with no successors to not be part of it.
  • Added new ConstantVelocityAgent
  • Added new parameter to the TrafficManager, set_desired_speed, to set a vehicle's speed.
  • Added 4 new attributes to all vehicles:
    • base_type can be use as a vehicle classification. The possible values are car, truck, van, motorcycle and bycicle.
    • special_type provides more information about the vehicle. It is currently restricted to electric, emergency and taxi, and not all vehicles have this attribute filled.
    • has_dynamics_doors can either be true or false depending on whether or not the vehicle has doors that can be opened using the API.
    • has_lights works in the same way as has_dynamic_doors, but differentiates between vehicles with lights, and those that don't.
  • Added native ackermann controller:
    • apply_ackermann_control: to apply an ackermann control command to a vehicle
    • get_ackermann_controller_settings: to get the last ackermann controller settings applied
    • apply_ackermann_controller_settings: to apply new ackermann controller settings
  • Fixed bug causing the Traffic Manager to not be deterministic when using hybrid mode
  • Added NormalsSensor, a new sensor with normals information
  • Added support for N wheeled vehicles
  • Added support for new batch commands ConsoleCommand, ApplyLocation (to actor), SetTrafficLightState
  • Added new API function: set_day_night_cycle at the LightManager, to (de)activate the automatic switch of the lights when the simulation changes from day to night mode, and viceversa.
  • Switch to boost::variant2 for rpc::Command as that allows more than 20 RPC commands
  • Added post process effects for rainy and dusty weathers.
  • Switched data type of the dust storm weather parameter from bool to float.
  • Check for the version of the installed Clang compiler during build.
  • Added API function to get direct access to the GBuffer textures of a sensor:
    • listen_to_gbuffer: to set a callback for a specific GBuffer texture


2 years ago

Release 0.9.13


  • Added new instance aware semantic segmentation sensor
  • Added new API classes: MaterialParameter, TextureColor and TextureFloatColor to encode texture data and field (normal map, diffuse, etc)
  • Added new API functions: apply_color_texture_to_object, apply_float_color_texture_to_object and apply_textures_to_object to paint objects in runtime
  • Added the option for users to set a route using RoadOption elements to a vehicle controlled by the Traffic Manager.
  • Cache now has an extra folder with current version of CARLA (so different cache per version)
  • Added set_percentage_random_left_lanechange and set_percentage_random_right_lanechange.
  • Improved handling of collisions in Traffic Manager when driving at very high speeds.
  • Added physical simulation to vehicle doors, capable of opening and closing
  • Added open/close doors feature for vehicles.
  • Added API functions to 3D vectors: squared_length, length, make_unit_vector, dot, dot_2d, distance, distance_2d, distance_squared, distance_squared_2d, get_vector_angle
  • Added API functions to 2D vectors: squared_length, length, make_unit_vector
  • Added a seed for better reproducibility of pedestrians
    • New API function set_pedestrians_seed
    • New parameter --seedw in script
  • Added missing dependency libomp5 to Release.Dockerfile
  • Added API functions to interact with pedestrian bones:
    • get_bones / set_bones: to get/set the bones of a pedestrian
    • blend_pose: to blend a custom pose with current animation
    • show_pose / hide_pose: to show or hide the custom pose
    • get_pose_from_animation: to set the custom pose with the animation current frame
  • Added a new script in PythonAPI/examples/ to draw the bones of a pedestrian from client side
  • Improved collision detection of the Python agents
  • Added the new VehicleLightStage to the Traffic Manager to dynamically update the vehicle lights.
  • Added two new examples to PythonAPI/util: Conversion of OpenStreetMaps to OpenDRIVE maps and Extraction of map spawn points
  • Fixed the import of props without any map
  • Fixed global route planner crash when being used at maps without lane markings
  • Fixed bug causing the server to sigsegv when a vehicle collides an environment object in recording mode.
  • Fixed RSSSensor: made client side calculations threaded
  • Fixed keep_right_rule parameter.


2 years ago

Release 0.9.12


  • Upgrading to Unreal Engine 4.26
  • CARLA now is built with Visual Studio 2019 in Windows
  • Added Optical Flow camera
  • Changed the resolution of the cached map in Traffic Manager from 0.1 to 5 meters
  • Added generation attribute to vehicles and pedestrians
  • Added Lincoln 2020 vehicle dimensions for CarSim integration
  • Enabling the no_delay option to RPC and stream sockets
  • CARLA is compatible with the last RoadRunner nomenclature for road assets
  • The special nomenclature to define roads (ROAD_ROAD), sidewalks (ROAD_SIDEWALK)... can be at any position of the asset name
  • Improved performance benchmark script: sync, map and sensor selection, ...
  • Improved performance, destroyed PhysX state for vehicles when physics are disabled
  • Improved parallelism of raycast sensors in system with large number of cores
  • Improved manual_control: now cameras position are set in relation with car size
  • Added 'visualize_multiple_sensors' example
  • Added 'check_lidar_bb' util script
  • Added optional flag to client.replay_file() replay_sensors to enable or disable the replaying the sensors
  • Client required files are sent from the server to a local cache (OpenDRIVE, Traffic Manager...)
  • Extended make import process for applying road painter materials (carla art tool)
  • Added creation of custom JSON file for applying decals to imported roads
  • Added CHRONO library for vehicle dynamics simulation (
    • Supported JSON vehicle definition
    • Unsupported collision dynamics
  • Added Large Map feature to CARLA, alowing to import large maps divided in square tiles (at most 2kmx2km per tile). Only section of a Large Map can be loaded at a time which introduces a sleep state for actors that are far away from the hero vehicle
  • Added performance benchmarking section to documentation
  • Added ApplyVehiclePhysicsControl to commands
  • Added flush in the sublevel loading to increase carla's determinism in Opt maps
  • Fixed import sumo_integration module from other scripts
  • Fixed bug causing the RoadOptions at the BehaviorAgent to not work as intended
  • Fixed a bug when importing a FBX map with some _ in the FBX name
  • Fix bug in carla.Transform.get_up_vector()
  • Fix bug in lidar channel point count
  • Fix imu: some weird cases were given nan values
  • Fix bugs in apply_physics_control and friction trigger
  • Exposed tire parameters for longitudinal and lateral stiffness in the PhysicsControl.
  • When setting a global plan at the LocalPlanner, it is now optional to stop the automatic fill of the waypoint buffer
  • Improved agent's vehicle detection to also take into account the actor bounding boxes
  • API extensions:
    • Added functions to traffic light actor get_effect_waypoints(), get_light_boxes() and get_opendrive_id()
    • Added functions to world get_traffic_lights_from_waypoint(), get_traffic_lights_in_junction and get_traffic_light_from_opendrive_id
    • Added parameters to WorldSettings: tile_stream_distance and actor_active_distance
    • Added parameters and functions to Osm2OdrSettings: proj_string, center_map, generate_traffic_lights, all_junctions_with_traffic_lights, set_osm_way_types, and set_traffic_light_excluded_way_types
    • Added function to enable car telemetry
    • Added set_wheel_steer_direction() function to change the bone angle of each wheel of a vehicle
    • Added get_wheel_steer_angle() function to get the steer angle of a vehicle wheel
    • Added scattering_intensity , mie_scattering_scale , rayleigh_scattering_scale to PythonAPI for changing weather attributes
    • Improved the python agents API. Old behaviors have been improved and new ones have also been added, improving the functionalities of the agents. Several bugs have also been fixed


3 years ago

Release 0.9.11


  • Improved the documentation for use with pandoc tool by converting html tags to their markdown equivalent
  • Refactored FAQ section of docs to use minimal html and fix broken layout
  • Extended the local planner with a lateral offset
  • Upgraded to DirectX 12 on Windows
  • Added the new core pipeline for the simulator
  • Added parameter to carla settings to control culling
  • Added fully deterministic option for Traffic Manager, sorting vehicles by ID and avoiding race conditions
  • Added the option to sweep the wheel shape for collision. This requires to patch the engine
  • Added the possibility of changing physics substepping options from client
  • Added 'noise_seed' to sensors to initialize the random generators
  • API extensions:
    • Added actor.set_enable_gravity() function to enable/disable the gravity affecting the actor
    • Added load_map_layer and unload_map_layer to control map layers on new maps that support subleveling
    • Added get_environment_objectscall to get all the placed objects in the level
    • Added enable_environment_objectscall to enable/disable objects of the level
    • Added horizontal_fov parameter to lidar sensor to allow for restriction of its field of view
    • Added WorldSettings.deterministic_ragdolls to enable deterministic or physically based ragdolls
  • Fixed RSSSensor python3 build and import of open drive maps by updating to ad-rss v4.2.0 and ad-map-access v2.3.0.
  • Python import of dependent 'ad' python modules reflects now the namespaces of the C++ interface and follow doxygen documentation
  • Fixed sensor transformations and sensor data transformations mismatch in IMU and camera-based sensors
  • Fixed random dead-lock on synchronous mode at high frame rate
  • Fixed bug on Windows causing sun reflection artifacts
  • Fixed bug in waypoint.get_landmarks() causing some landmarks to be missed when s = 0
  • Fixed the actor.set_simulate_physics() for pedestrians and vehicles
  • Fixed bug causing camera-based sensors to stop sending data
  • Fixed the lack of determinism on the output of raycast sensors
  • Fixed missing laneChange record in converted OSM maps
  • Fixed bug in the actor's id returned by the semantic lidar
  • Fixed error when using --config parameter in make package
  • Fixed dependency of library Xerces-c on package
  • Fixed minor typo in the simulation data section of the documentation
  • Fixed the to read the .osm files in proper utf-8 encoding

3 years ago

Patch Release


  • API extensions:
    • Added actor.set_enable_gravity() function to enable/disable the gravity affecting the actor
  • Upgraded to DirectX 12 on Windows
  • Fixed bug on Windows causing sun reflection artifacts
  • Fixed the actor.set_simulate_physics() for pedestrians and vehicles
  • Fixed bug causing camera-based sensors to stop sending data
  • Fixed dependency of library Xerces-c on package


3 years ago

Release 0.9.10


  • Added retrieval of bounding boxes for all the elements of the level
  • Added deterministic mode for Traffic Manager
  • Added support in Traffic Manager for dead-end roads
  • Upgraded CARLA Docker image to Ubuntu 18.04
  • Upgraded to AD RSS v4.1.0 supporting unstructured scenes and pedestrians, and fixed spdlog to v1.7.0
  • Changed frozen behavior for traffic lights. It now affects to all traffic lights at the same time
  • Added new pedestrian models
  • API changes:
    • Renamed actor.set_velocity() to actor.set_target_velocity()
    • Renamed actor.set_angular_velocity() to actor.set_target_velocity()
    • RGB cameras exposure_mode is now set to histogram by default
  • API extensions:
    • Added carla.Osm2Odr.convert() function and carla.Osm2OdrSettings class to support Open Street Maps to OpenDRIVE conversion
    • Added world.freeze_all_traffic_lights() and traffic_light.reset_group()
    • Added client.stop_replayer() to stop the replayer
    • Added world.get_vehicles_light_states() to get all the car light states at once
    • Added constant velocity mode (actor.enable_constant_velocity() / actor.disable_constant_velocity())
    • Added function actor.add_angular_impulse() to add angular impulse to any actor
    • Added actor.add_force() and actor.add_torque()
    • Added functions transform.get_right_vector() and transform.get_up_vector()
    • Added command to set multiple car light states at once
    • Added 4-matrix form of transformations
  • Added new semantic segmentation tags: RailTrack, GuardRail, TrafficLight, Static, Dynamic, Water and Terrain
  • Added fixed ids for street and building lights
  • Added vehicle light and street light data to the recorder
  • Improved the colliders and physics for all vehicles
  • All sensors are now multi-stream, the same sensor can be listened from different clients
  • New semantic LiDAR sensor (lidar.ray_cast_semantic)
  • Added, a more friendly LiDAR visualizer
  • Added make command to download contributions as plugins (make plugins)
  • Added a warning when using SpringArm exactly in the 'z' axis of the attached actor
  • Improved performance of raycast-based sensors through parallelization
  • Added an approximation of the intensity of each point of the cloud in the LiDAR sensor
  • Added Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) camera based on ESIM simulation
  • Improved LiDAR and radar to better match the shape of the vehicles
  • Added support for additional TraCI clients in Sumo co-simulation
  • Added script example to synchronize the gathering of sensor data in client
  • Added default values and a warning message for lanes missing the width parameter in OpenDRIVE
  • Added parameter to enable/disable pedestrian navigation in standalone mode
  • Improved mesh partition in standalone mode
  • Added Renderdoc plugin to the Unreal project
  • Added configurable noise to LiDAR sensor
  • Replace deprecated platform.dist() with recommended distro.linux_distribution()
  • Improved the performance of capture sensors


  • Fixed the center of mass for vehicles
  • Fixed a number of OpenDRIVE parsing bugs
  • Fixed vehicles' bounding boxes, now they are automatic
  • Fixed a map change error when Traffic Manager is in synchronous mode
  • Fixes add entry issue for applying parameters more than once in Traffic Manager
  • Fixes std::numeric_limits::epsilon error in Traffic Manager
  • Fixed memory leak on scripts (sensor listening was not stopped before destroying)
  • Fixed a bug in script computing not allowed routes for a given vehicle class
  • Fixed a bug where get_traffic_light() would always return None
  • Fixed recorder determinism problems
  • Fixed several untagged and mistagged objects
  • Fixed rain drop spawn issues when spawning camera sensors
  • Fixed semantic tags in the asset import pipeline
  • Fixed from failing when the root folder contains a space on it
  • Fixed dynamic meshes not moving to the initial position when replaying
  • Fixed colors of lane markings when importing a map, they were reversed (white and yellow)
  • Fixed missing include directive in file WheelPhysicsControl.h
  • Fixed gravity measurement bug from IMU sensor
  • Fixed LiDAR’s point cloud reference frame
  • Fixed light intensity and camera parameters to match
  • Fixed and improved auto-exposure camera (histogram exposure mode)
  • Fixed delay in the TCP communication from server to the client in synchronous mode for Linux
  • Fixed large RAM usage when loading polynomial geometry from OpenDRIVE
  • Fixed collision issues when debug.draw_line() is called
  • Fixed gyroscope sensor to properly give angular velocity readings in the local frame
  • Fixed minor typo in the introduction section of the documentation
  • Fixed a bug at the local planner when changing the route, causing it to maintain the first part of the previous one. This was only relevant when using very large buffer sizes


4 years ago

Patch Release


  • Improved performance (around 3x) in synchronous mode on Ubuntu, by disabling the delay of packets on the network interface (Nagle's algorithm).
  • Improved the LiDAR and Radar sensors with a parallel implentation of the raycasting
  • Added default values and a warning message for lanes missing the width parameter in OpenDRIVE

Patch Release


  • Fixed loading a new map with an official patch for Unreal Engine 4.24 (only for Ubuntu)
  • Fixed large RAM usage when loading polinomial geometry from OpenDRIVE
  • Fixed collision issues when debug draw(debug.draw_line) is called


  • Added API functions get_right_vector and get_up_vector
  • Added parameter to enable/disable pedestrian navigation in standalone mode
  • Improved mesh split in standalone mode
  • Added PythonAPI command to set multiple car light states at once
  • Added PythonAPI to get all the car light states at once
  • Added support for additional TraCI clients in Sumo co-simulation

Patch Release


  • Fixed the loading of a new map through Python API for windows.

Patch Release


  • Added API function add_angular_impulse() to add angular impulse to any actor
  • Fixed rain drop spawn issues when spawning camera sensors
  • Fixed from failing when the root folder contains a space on it
  • Fixed colors of lane markings when importing a map, they were reversed (white and yellow)
  • Fixed missing include directive in file WheelPhysicsControl.h
  • Fixed gravity measurement bug from IMU sensor
  • OpenDRIVE ingestion bugfixes
  • Added Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) camera based on ESIM simulation

Compiled version


  • Introduced hybrid mode for Traffic Manager
  • Upgraded to Unreal Engine 4.24
  • Exposed the world lights to the client so they can be changed on the fly
  • Added examples of sumo co-simulation for Town01, Town04, and Town05
  • Added ptv vissim and carla co-simulation
  • Upgraded to AD RSS v3.0.0 supporting complex road layouts and i.e. intersections
  • Added junction smoothing algorithm to prevent roads from blocking other roads with level differences
  • Added automatic generation of traffic lights, stop signal and yield signal from OpenDRIVE file
  • Bug fixes

For further information keep reading here and see the full CHANGELOG.


4 years ago

Compiled version


  • DEB repositories for CARLA release and ROS bridge
  • Added support for SUMO co-simulation
  • Documentation has been heavily updated and improved
  • Added OpenDRIVE standalone mode that allows physical map generation from OpenDRIVE data
  • Traffic Manager
    • Several bug fixes and improvements
    • Multi-Client and Multi-TrafficManager
    • Support for synchronous mode
  • Highlighted API extensions:
    • New carla.Junction as queryable object from waypoint
    • New supported OpenDRIVE geometries: spirals and cubic polynomial
  • Improved spatial query performance on waypoints
  • New weather system: night time, fog, rain ripples, and now wind affects vegetation and rain (not car physics)
  • Added night mode, with city lights available in nightfall
  • Added car light support to some cars, some motorcycles and all bikes
  • New assets: Cybertruck
  • Improved visual quality

For further information keep reading here and see the full CHANGELOG.


4 years ago

Compiled version


  • Fixed the position of a tree in Town02 that was misplaced in the middle of the road


  • Fixed #2386: agent crashes due to API changes in is_within_distance_ahead


  • Fixed values for spectator camera to work with last patch


  • Fixed bug that made the image too bright when setting quality-level Low
  • Fixed bug that kept quality-level Low instead of applying the desired quality-level Epic


  • Add build variant with AD RSS library integration with RSS sensor and result visualization
  • Support for OpenGL and Vulkan in docker + headless mode
  • Added new sensor: Inertial measurement unit (IMU)
  • Added new sensor: Radar
  • Exposed RGB camera attributes: exposure, depth of field, tone mapper, color correction, and chromatic aberration
  • Now all the camera-based sensors are provided with an additional parametrized lens distortion shader
  • Added TrafficManager to replace autopilot in managing the NPC vehicles
  • Improved pedestrians navigation
  • Moved GNSS sensor from client to server-side
  • Added exporter plugin for UE4 to allow export meshes ready for Recast calculation
  • The 'make import' process now rename the assets accordingly and set complex collision as simple
  • New Python API function added (map.get_crosswalks()) that returns a list with all points that define the crosswalk zones from OpenDRIVE file
  • Better steering in manual control
  • Added Doxygen documentation online with automatic updates through Jenkins pipeline