Cesium Versions Save

An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps :earth_americas:


1 month ago

1.118 - 2024-06-03

Highlights include:

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


2 months ago

1.117 - 2024-05-01

Highlights include:

  • Added ClippingPolygon and ClippingPolygonCollection for applying multiple clipping regions, with support for concave regions and inverse clipping regions, to 3D Tiles and Terrain. #11750
  • Added Cesium3DTileset.clippingPolygons, Globe.clippingPolygons, and Model.clippingPolygons properties for defining clipping regions from world positions. #11750
  • Fixed a bug where a data source was not automatically rendered after is was added in request render mode. #11934
  • Fixes Typescript definition for Event.raiseEvent. #10498

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


3 months ago

1.116 - 2024-04-01

Highlights include:

  • Fixed issue with BingMapsImageryProvider where given culture option is ineffective #11695
  • Fixed a bug with performance in scenes with multiple tilesets #11878
  • Fixes issue with PolygonGeometry uvs are improperly computed #11767
  • Surface normals are now computed for clipping and shape bounds in VoxelEllipsoidShape and VoxelCylinderShape. #11847
  • Implemented sharper rendering and lighting on voxels with CYLINDER and ELLIPSOID shape. #11875

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


4 months ago

1.115 - 2024-03-01

Highlights include:

  • Added support for I3S Building Scene Layer. #11678
  • Added Scene.pickVoxel to pick individual cells from a VoxelPrimitive, and VoxelCell to report information about the picked cell. #11828
  • Fixed a bug where the camera can stay underground when 3D Tiles are loading in. #11824
  • Fixed a bug with where a mix of empty and non-empty tiles were not refining. #9356
  • Fixed a bug with camera collision with tilesets containing tiles with interleaved buffers #11812
  • Fixed an error when the screenSpaceEventHandler was destroyed before Viewer #10576
  • Fixed how Camera.changed handles changes in roll. #11844

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


5 months ago

1.114 - 2024-02-01

Highlights include several improvements to interaction with 3D Tiles:

  • By default, the screen space camera controller will no longer go inside or under instances of Cesium3DTileset. #11581
  • Clamping to ground, HeightReference.CLAMP_TO_GROUND, and HeightReference.RELATIVE_TO_GROUND now take into account 3D Tilesets. #11604
  • The Cesium3DTileset.dynamicScreenSpaceError optimization is now enabled by default, and tuned to improve performance for street-level horizon views. #11718
  • Added Cesium3DTileset.getHeight to sample height values of the loaded tiles. #11581
  • Fog rendering now applies to glTF models and 3D Tiles. #11744

Other changes include:

  • Added createWorldBathymetryAsync helper function to make it easier to load Bathymetry terrain. #11790
  • Removed the need for node internal packages http, https, url and zlib in the Resource class. This means they do not need to be marked external by build tools anymore. #11773
  • Fixed an issue causing crashes with multiple data sources #7758 and #9154.
  • Fixed a geometry displacement affecting iOS devices #7100

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


6 months ago

1.113 - 2024-01-02

Highlights include:

  • Vertical exaggeration can now be applied to a Cesium3DTileset. Exaggeration of Terrain and Cesium3DTileset can be controlled simultaneously via the new Scene properties Scene.verticalExaggeration and Scene.verticalExaggerationRelativeHeight. #11655
  • Changes the default RequestScheduler.maximumRequestsPerServer from 6 to 18. This should improve performance on HTTP/2 servers and above. #11627
  • Corrected JSDoc and Typescript definitions that marked optional arguments as required in ImageryProvider constructor. #11625
  • The Quaternion.computeAxis function created an axis that was (0,0,0) for the unit quaternion, and an axis that was (NaN,NaN,NaN) for the quaternion (0,0,0,-1) (which describes a rotation about 360 degrees). Now, it returns the x-axis (1,0,0) in both of these cases. #11665

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


7 months ago

1.112 - 2023-12-01

Highlights include:

  • Fixed terrain lockups in requestTileGeometry by ensuring promise handling aligns with CesiumJS's expectations. #11630
  • Corrected JSDoc and Typescript definitions that marked optional arguments as required in Cesium3dTileset.fromIonAssetId #11623, and IonImageryProvider.fromAssetId #11624

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


8 months ago

1.111 - 2023-11-01

Highlights include:

  • BingMapsImageryProvider.fromUrl now takes an optional mapLayer parameter which is a string that maps directly to the mapLayer template parameters specified in the Bing Maps documentation.
  • By default, createGooglePhotorealistic3DTileset no longer shows credits on screen, as this is compliant with the minimum required attribution. To restore this behavior, pass the option showCreditsOnScreen: true. #11589
  • Fixed an issue with polygon hole rendering. #11583
  • Fixed error with rhumb lines that have a 0 degree heading. #11573

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


8 months ago

1.110.1 - 2023-10-25

Highlights include:

  • CesiumJS no longer ships with a demo Google Maps API key. GoogleMaps.defaultApiKey is no longer defined by default.
  • createGooglePhotorealistic3DTileset by default now provides tiles via Cesium ion if the GoogleMaps.defaultApiKey is not set.

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


9 months ago

1.110 - 2023-10-02

Highlights include:

  • Worker files are now embedded in Build/Cesium/Cesium.js and Build/CesiumUnminified/Cesium.js. #11519
  • Added PolygonGeometry.computeRectangleFromPositions for computing a Rectangle that encloses a polygon, including cases over the international date line and the poles.
  • Added Stereographic for computing 2D operations in stereographic, or polar, coordinates.
  • Fixed rendering of polygons spanning extents of 90 degrees or more. #4871
  • Fixed ground primitive polygon visual artifacts at pole. #8033

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.