Cesium Versions Save

An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps :earth_americas:


10 months ago

1.109 - 2023-09-01

Highlights include:

  • Added two additional default imagery providers from Stadia maps to the BaseLayerPicker widget: Alidade Smooth and Alidade Smooth Dark. #11485
  • TaskProcessor now loads worker files as ESM instead of AMD. Firefox 114 is now the minimum Firefox version required to run CesiumJS. #11400
  • Added the retinaTiles option to the OpenStreetMapImageryProvider constructor options to allow requesting tiles at the 2x resolution for retina displays. #11485
  • Use updated URLs and attribution for Stamen Map styles in the default BaseLayerPicker widget. #11451
  • The TypeScript definition of defined now uses type predicates to allow TypeScript to use the result during compilation.

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


11 months ago

1.108 - 2023-08-01

Starting with version 1.109, CesiumJS will require Firefox version 114 or higher for rendering. This is to facilitate web worker loading and remove outdated dependencies. Other browsers and node will be unaffected.

Highlights include:

  • Fixed issue where terrain with multiple layers was loading higher LOD tiles inconsistently. #11312
  • Updated endpoints for OpenStreetMap tiles #11407
  • Fixed calculation of GroundPolyline bounding spheres in regions with negative terrain heights. #11184
  • Fixed CzmlDataSource in cases of custom Ellipsoid.WGS84 definitions. #11190

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


11 months ago

1.107.1 - 2023-07-13

Highlights include:

  • Fixed promise return value when using viewer.flyTo to navigate to an ImageryLayer. #11392
  • Fixed depthTestAgainstTerrain value being overridden when using the base layer picker widget. #11393
  • Fixed a bug where Model would not respond to different alpha values in a Cesium3DTileStyle. #11399

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


1 year ago

1.107 - 2023-07-03

Highlights include:

  • Added Cesium3DTileset.cacheBytes and Cesium3DTileset.maximumCacheOverflowBytes to better control memory usage.
  • Fixed a race condition when loading cut-out terrain. #11382
  • Fixed credits for imagery layer shows up even when layer is hidden. #11340
  • Fixed crash in CzmlDataSource when a 3D Tileset entity is hidden. #11357

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


1 year ago

1.106 - 2023-06-01

Highlights include:

  • Fixed label background rendering. #11293
  • Fixed color creation from CSS color string with modern "space-separated" syntax. #11271
  • Fixed tracked entity camera controls. #11286

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


1 year ago

1.105.1 - 2023-05-10

Highlights include:

  • Added createGooglePhotorealistic3DTileset to create a 3D tileset streaming Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles.
  • Added GoogleMaps for managing credentials when loading data from the Google Map Tiles API.
  • Improved camera controls when globe is off. #7171

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


1 year ago

1.105 - 2023-05-01

Highlights include:

  • Added ArcGisMapServerImagery.fromBasemapType, and ArcGisBaseMapType, and ArcGisMapService for ease of use with the latest ArcGIS Imagery API. #11098
  • Fixed Repeated URI parsing slows 3D Tiles performance #11197. Together with #11211, this can reduce tile parsing time by as much as 25% on large tilesets
  • Added CreditDisplay.addStaticCredit and CreditDisplay.removeStaticCredit such that Credit.showOnScreen value is taken into account. #6215
  • Added options.gltfCallback to Model.loadGltfAsync to allow apps to access the loaded glTF JSON. #11240

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


1 year ago

1.104 - 2023-04-03

Highlights include:

  • The readyPromise pattern has been deprecated across the API. It will be removed in CesiumJS 1.107. This has been done to facilitate better asynchronous flow and error handling. #11059
  • Added asynchronous constructors for ImageryProviders, TerrainProviders, 3D Tilesets, and Models.
  • Fixed various race conditions from asynchronous operations. #10909
  • Fixed Cesium.Viewer instantiated inside lit components: CreditDisplay is missing its styles #10907

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


1 year ago

1.103 - 2023-03-01

Highlights include:

  • Added smooth zoom with mouse wheel. #11062
  • Enabled lighting on voxels with BOX shape. #11076
  • Fixed browser warning for willReadFrequently option. #11025
  • Replaced constructor types with primitive types in JSDoc and generated TypeScript definitions. #11080
  • Adjusted render order of voxels and opaque entities. #11120
  • Fixed artifacts on edges of voxels with BOX shape. #11050

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.


1 year ago

1.102 - 2023-02-01

Highlights include:

  • CesiumJS now defaults to using a WebGL2 context for rendering. WebGL2 is widely supported on all platforms and this results in better feature support across devices, especially mobile.
  • Added FeatureDetection.supportsWebgl2 to detect if a WebGL2 rendering context in the current browser.
  • Fixed label background rendering. #11040
  • Fixed a bug decoding glTF Draco attributes with quantization bits above 16. #7471

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.