ChatGPT Shortcut Versions Save

🚀💪Maximize your efficiency and productivity, support for English,中文,Español,العربية. 让生产力加倍的AI快捷指令。更有效地定制、保存和分享自己的提示词。在提示词分享社区中,轻松找到适用于不同场景的指令。


2 months ago

🐛 Bug Fixes
🔹 Resolve error with overly long search terms
🔹 Correct pagination error in community-prompts

🚀 Improvements
🔹 Improve CLS for community-prompts page

📦 Dependencies
🔹 Bump docusaurus from 3.1.1 to 3.2.1

🐛 错误修复
🔹 解决搜索词过长导致的错误
🔹 修正社区提示页面的分页错误

🚀 性能提升
🔹 提升社区提示页面的累积布局偏移(CLS)性能

📦 依赖更新
🔹 将 docusaurus 从 3.1.1 版本升级到 3.2.1 版本

Full Changelog:


4 months ago

🛠 Improvements

  • 🔧 Replaced moment with dayjs for better performance and smaller bundle size.
  • 📈 Optimized Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) performance to enhance user experience.
  • 🎨 Enhanced styling and layout of the share component for better visual appeal.
  • 📦 Updated project dependencies to ensure better security and performance.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • 🛠️ Fixed warning in the comment component by upgrading dependencies.

🛠 改进

  • 🔧 用dayjs替换moment,以提高性能并减小包大小。
  • 📈 优化累积布局偏移(CLS)性能,以增强用户体验。
  • 🎨 改善分享组件的样式和布局,以提高视觉吸引力。
  • 📦 更新项目依赖,以确保更好的安全性和性能。

🐛 修复

  • 🛠️ 通过升级依赖修复了评论组件中的警告。

Full Changelog:


5 months ago

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • 🔄 fix(commu-prompts): Resolved loading and search errors in community prompts.
  • 📚 fix(favorites): Addressed display issues with long titles in "My Favorites".
  • 🌗 style(theme): Fixed color switching issue on the "My Favorites" page in dark mode.

📈 Improvements

  • 🚀 perf(storage): Enhanced response performance by atomizing data storage.
  • 📁 perf(username): Optimized the logic for changing usernames.

🆕 Features

  • 🎮 feat(favor-order): Implemented drag-and-drop to reorder favorites prompts.

🎨 Styling Updates

  • 👕 style(user): Updated the styling of the user center component.

🐞 错误修复

  • 🔄 fix(commu-prompts): 解决了社区提示词的加载和搜索错误。
  • 📚 fix(favorites): 解决了我的收藏中长标题显示异常的问题。
  • 🌗 style(theme): 修复了暗模式下我的收藏页面的颜色切换问题。

📈 改进

  • 🚀 perf(storage): 通过原子话数据存储提高了响应性能。
  • 📁 perf(username): 优化了更改用户名的逻辑。

🆕 特性

  • 🎮 feat(favor-order): 实现了拖放来重新排序收藏提示。

🎨 样式更新

  • 👕 style(user): 更新了用户中心组件的样式。

Full Changelog:


5 months ago

v3.1.6 Update

  • Feature: Customizable username modification
  • Fix: Resolve multiple issues with registration functionality and browser warnings
  • Refactor: Simplify API logic and enhance styling of login components
  • Extension: Fix the initial language determination logic for the integration page and sidebar

v3.1.6 更新

  • 功能:自定义修改用户名
  • 修复:解决注册功能及浏览器警告的多项问题
  • 重构:简化 API 逻辑,并优化登录组件的样式
  • 扩展:修复集成页和侧边栏的初始语言判断逻辑

Full Changelog:


6 months ago

v3.1.4 Update

Focused on enhancing the extension functionality:

  • Fixed input and language switching issues on the ChatGPT integration page.
  • Improved the effectiveness of link monitoring.
  • Added an option to enable or disable the sidebar for enhanced customization.

v3.1.4 更新


  • 修复了GPT集成页的输入和语言切换问题。
  • 改进了链接监控功能的效果。
  • 新增侧边栏启用选项,增强自定义性。

Full Changelog:


6 months ago
  • feat(button-tooltip): Add tooltip for disabled Google Auth in ChatGPT emmbedded pages
  • fix(arabic-layout): Correct Arabic text direction to RTL and simplify lang tags
  • style(favorites): Enhance styling of user favorite cards
  • perf: Optimize logic for favorite and voting on prompt

Full Changelog:


6 months ago

🚀 Announcing the First Official Release of ChatGPT Shortcut 🎉

We are thrilled to announce 📣 the first official release of ChatGPT Shortcut, marking a significant milestone 🏁 in the project's development. This release encompasses the full realization of our initial functional expectations, including:

  • 💬 Community prompt sharing feature
  • 🌟 Prompt bookmarking system
  • ⚙️ Optimization for GPT-4 prompts
  • 🌐 Multilingual support and switching capabilities
  • 🤖 Sidebar auto-activation feature in extensions

ChatGPT Shortcut has now evolved into a prompt bookmarking and sharing platform, making it more convenient for individual use.

With this major update 🆕, there are no immediate plans for significant functional changes. This version is designed to facilitate code comparisons for developers during pull operations. We encourage the community to actively provide feedback 📝 and participate in future updates.

We look forward to your contributions and feedback, which are invaluable in helping us improve and evolve 🌱.

Thank you 🙏 for your support and contributions to the ChatGPT Shortcut project!

What's Changed

New Contributors

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