Chromatism Versions Save

:rainbow: A simple set of utility functions for colours.


6 years ago

This is a major, breaking version bump, but all the following changes should make chromatism one of, if not the smallest colour libraries available (when using ES6 modules).

Added ES6 module Added Uniform hue-shifting transforms (Using HSLuv) Added More efficient conversion chain Removed Function Chaining Removed Illuminant + Transformation Matrix constants


7 years ago

Added a few new CIE colour modes, and HSLuv, which will lead to more accurate contrast/chroma/saturation comparison functions in the future!

Also added a CCT colour temperature function


7 years ago

This release adds some type script definitions from @bdoss, and a pkg.module ES6 module to the build step from @TehShrike! We're also using Rollup instead of webpack, which cleans up a lot of hack-y garbage from before. This hopefully puts the library on track to be 100% ES6 soon.