Outsideris Citizen Versions Save

A Private Terraform Module/Provider Registry


1 year ago

Breaking Changes

  • Drop nedb support because nedb is not maintained anymore.
    • CITIZEN_DB_DIR environment variable removed.
    • Instead SQLite supported.
  • Prisma is used for supporting both SQLite and MongoDB.
    • CITIZEN_DATABASE and CITIZEN_MONGO_DB_URI environment variables removed. Instead, use CITIZEN_DATABASE_TYPE and CITIZEN_DATABASE_URL environment variables.
    • MongoDB should configure a replica set. See Prisma document for the details.
    • SQLite requires migration process.

Warning There is no migration method in this release. Please update this version in production carefully, even if you use MongoDB.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/outsideris/citizen/compare/v0.5.2...v0.6.0


2 years ago


  • allow multiple non-adjacent hyphens (#83)
  • Support CORS (#103)
  • Tested with Terraform 1.2.x

Full Changelog: https://github.com/outsideris/citizen/compare/v0.5.1...v0.5.2


2 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • Fix intermittent corrupted payload retrieval from s3 (#78)


  • use findOne instead of find to retrieve on document (#81)

Full Changelog: https://github.com/outsideris/citizen/compare/v0.5.0...v0.5.1


2 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • Support Node 16
  • Drop support for Node.js 12 and 14


  • Support Terraform from v0.11 to v1.1.
  • Delivery macOS arm64 distribution

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/outsideris/citizen/compare/v0.4.0...v0.5.0


3 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • Drop support for Node.js 8 and 10
  • A command for publishing a module changed to citizen module from citizen publish
  • Change Docker Registry from docker hub to GitHub Container Registry


  • Support Terraform from v0.11 to v0.14.
  • Support Terraform provider with Terraform v0.13+ (#50) - @sponte
  • Adding HCL v2 (Terraform v0.12) language support (#51) - @sponte
  • Move nedb into a structure like s3/file for storage is (#37) - @johnkeates
  • Add mongoDB backend (#39) - @robburger
  • Change CI to GitHub Actions


5 years ago
  • Don't require AWS credentials (#34)
  • Update dependencies


5 years ago
  • Fix an error under server mode with packaged app. (#27)
  • Update dependencies to prevent security vulnerabilities.
  • Build packaged app with node 10.


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago