CivilServiceUSA Api Save Abandoned

Civil Services API - Available for Non Commercial Use

Project README

:warning: This Project is No Longer Maintained

After several years of successful operation, I need to shut it down. The only contributions I have been receiving are folks asking for updates, but no one helping to make them, and the work has just piled to a point where I just can't do it on my own.

I will be taking the entirety of Civil Services offline on March 1st, 2023


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Civil Services API

Build Status GitHub license GitHub contributors

Civil Services is a collection of tools that make it possible for citizens to be a part of what is happening in their Local, State & Federal Governments.

Using our API

Our API is Fully Documented using Apiary. Currently, our API is only open for select non-commercial use. If you are interested in obtaining an API Key ( required for access ), please contact [email protected] or Join us on Slack.

API Documentation

Developer Overview

Additional Setup without Docker

Join us on Slack

Join us on Slack if you need help using our API, or you are interested in contributing.

Slack Team Invite

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "CivilServiceUSA Api" Project. README Source: CivilServiceUSA/api
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 year ago

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