Classcat Versions Save

Build a class attribute string quickly


3 months ago

Add missing default function name to type definition (#43) by @Birdie0.


1 year ago
  • Add missing supported types in index.d.ts by @motss (#41).


3 years ago
  • Modernize, use ES modules, let. 🎉
    • IE11 and Node 8~10 are still supported.
  • Clean up code, fix incorrect return type (#37).
    • Avoid instantiating out variable when not needed.
    • Use different variable names for keys and indexes.
  • Remove .hasOwnProperty() check (42352a6894cbf80b41de8ef78f71189cf101023e).
  • Migrate tests to Twist.


5 years ago


5 years ago
  • Change main target to src/index.js (an ES module). You can still use /dist/classcat.js if you want to load Classcat globally through the window.classcat object.
  • No other breaking changes! 💯


5 years ago
  • Avoid boolean type coercion when stepping out from recursion.
  • Rewrite tests, benchmarks, and tweak other things (#27).
    • Cache Array.isArray.
    • Use Testmatrix.
    • Rewrite benchmark suite in a declarative style.
    • Use noEmit to validate .ts files without code generation.


6 years ago
  • Fix benchmarks producing wrong results (#17).
  • Remove nested object support (#15).


6 years ago
  • Don't add keys to the output if all child nodes are false (#14 #13).


6 years ago

Classcat is a declarative string builder optimized for DOM className properties.