Codetour Versions Save

VS Code extension that allows you to record and play back guided tours of codebases, directly within the editor.


1 year ago

Bug Fixes

  • A tour step can now run multiple commands
  • Tours are now written to the CodeTour: Custom Tour Directory directory, when that property is set
  • Fixed a performance issue with large codebases


2 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • The "Tours available!" prompt is now suppressed when opening a CodeSwing workspace


2 years ago


  • Added a new CodeTour: Custom Tour Directory setting, that allows a project to specify a custom directory for their tours to be stored in
  • Added support for storing tours in the .github/tours folder, in addition to the existing .vscode/tours and .tours directories
  • You can now create a tour called main.tour at the root of your workspace, which will be considered a primary tour


3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • URI handler now allows specifying the desired step via 1-based numbers as opposed to 0-based


3 years ago


  • The URI handler now allows specifying just a step number, in order to index into a repo within only a single tour


3 years ago


  • Added a URI handler, with support for launching a specific tour and step


3 years ago


  • Exposed a new onDidStartTour event and startTourByUri method to the extension API
  • Added support for the CodeStatus extension