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COLMAP - Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo


5 months ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


5 months ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


3 years ago
  • Improved robustness and faster incremental reconstruction process
  • Add image_deleter command to remove images from sparse model
  • Add image_filter command to filter bad registrations from sparse model
  • Add point_filtering command to filter sparse model point clouds
  • Add database_merger command to merge two databases, which is useful to parallelize matching across different machines
  • Add image_undistorter_standalone to enable undistorting images without a pre-existing full sparse model
  • Improved undistortion for fisheye cameras and FOV camera model
  • Support for masking input images in feature extraction stage
  • Improved HiDPI support in GUI for high-resolution monitors
  • Import sparse model when launching GUI from CLI
  • Faster CPU-based matching using approximate NN search
  • Support for bundle adjustment with fixed extrinsics
  • Support for fixing existing images when continuing reconstruction
  • Camera model colors in viewer can be customized
  • Support for latest GPU architectures in CUDA build
  • Support for writing sparse models in Python scripts
  • Scripts for building and running COLMAP in Docker
  • Many more bug fixes and improvements to code and documentation

Note that with this release, we stop shipping pre-built binaries for CUDA-enabled GPUs with legacy compute capability < 3.0, see to find out whether your GPU is supported. For older GPU architectures, you can either manually build COLMAP from source using an older CUDA version or download an older COLMAP release.


4 years ago

With this preview release, we stop shipping pre-built binaries for CUDA-enabled GPUs with legacy compute capability < 3.0, see to find out whether your GPU is supported.


5 years ago

If you have an older NVIDIA GPU that does not support CUDA 9.X or has compute capability 2.X, please download the legacy CUDA version for Windows.


5 years ago

If you have an older NVIDIA GPU that does not support CUDA 9.X or has compute capability 2.X, please download the legacy CUDA version for Windows.


5 years ago

If you have an older NVIDIA GPU that does not support CUDA 9.X or has compute capability 2.X, please download the legacy CUDA version for Windows.

  • COLMAP is now released under the BSD license instead of the GPL
  • COLMAP is now installed as a library, whose headers can be included and libraries linked against from other C/C++ code
  • Add hierarchical mapper for parallelized reconstruction or large scenes
  • Add sparse and dense Delaunay meshing algorithms, which reconstruct a watertight surface using a graph cut on the Delaunay triangulation of the reconstructed sparse or dense point cloud
  • Improved robustness when merging different models
  • Improved pre-trained vocabulary trees available for download
  • Add COLMAP as a software entry under Linux desktop systems
  • Add support to compile COLMAP on ARM platforms
  • Add example Python script to read/write COLMAP database
  • Add region of interest (ROI) cropping in image undistortion
  • Several import bug fixes for spatial verification in image retrieval
  • Add more extensive continuous integration across more compilation scenarios
  • Many more bug fixes and improvements to code and documentation


5 years ago