ConvenientImagePicker Versions Save

πŸžπŸŒ…πŸŒ„πŸŽ‡πŸŒ‡πŸ™πŸŒƒπŸŒ‰πŸŒthe new iOS image picker. Beautiful, delicate, and customizable.


4 years ago
  • Add assetsSortKey and assetsSortAscending property, the order of pictures is now customizable! thanks for @Γ‰douard.


4 years ago
  • Fixed album permission issues.


4 years ago
  • Fixed again a possible crash of some devices when camera access is not allowed.
  • Change the sort method of photo collections from creationDate to modificationDate.
  • Add new property isAnimated, a Boolean value that determines whether the appear animation is exist.
  • Enable the functionality of isAnimated parameter in present function in your view.
  • Add new property customSelectedImage, a selectedImage type value that relates to the image of selected picture.
  • Add new property isSupportLandscape, a Boolean value that determines whether the ability of landscape.


4 years ago
  • Fixed a possible crash of some devices when camera access is not allowed.
  • Correct the spell error of function "imageSelectMax": func imageSelectMax(_:, wantToSelectIndex:, wantToSelectImage:).
  • Change the size of thumbnail image.
  • Add new property initialSelectedIndex, a set of index of selected image when the picker appears.


4 years ago

the second version.

memory problem solved. refresh more fast!