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The On-Ramp to Deep Learning

Project README

ConX Neural Networks

The On-Ramp to Deep Learning

Built in Python 3 on Keras 2.

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Implements Deep Learning neural network algorithms using a simple interface with easy visualizations and useful analytics. Built on top of Keras, which can use either TensorFlow, Theano, or CNTK.

A network can be specified to the constructor by providing sizes. For example, Network("XOR", 2, 5, 1) specifies a network named "XOR" with a 2-node input layer, 5-unit hidden layer, and a 1-unit output layer. However, any complex network can be constructed using the net.connect() method.

Computing XOR via a target function:

import conx as cx

dataset = [[[0, 0], [0]],
           [[0, 1], [1]],
           [[1, 0], [1]],
           [[1, 1], [0]]]

net = cx.Network("XOR", 2, 5, 1, activation="sigmoid")
            optimizer="sgd", lr=0.3, momentum=0.9)
net.train(2000, report_rate=10, accuracy=1.0)

Creates dynamic, rendered visualizations like this:


See conx-notebooks and the documentation for additional examples.


See How To Run Conx to see options on running virtual machines, in the cloud, and personal installation.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Conx" Project. README Source: ArtificialIntelligenceToolkit/conx
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4 months ago

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