CoordinateSharp Versions Save

A library designed to ease geographic coordinate format conversions, and determine sun/moon information in C#


1 year ago


-Adds Web Mercator EPSG:3857 conversions (for use in mapping applications). Benchmarks changes minimal, but may slightly impact performance in certain use cases. Eager Loading settings may need to be adjusted for users that prefer Lazy Loading.

Conversions follow software standard methods.

Coordinate c = new Coordinate(45, 64);
Console.WriteLine(c.WebMercator.ToString()); //7124447.411mE 5621521.486mN
c = Coordinate.Parse("3624447.411 2721521.486");
Console.WriteLine(c.ToString()); //N 23º 44' 17.003" E 32º 33' 32.274"

-Adds .NET 6.0 targets -Removes obsolete UTM/MGRS boundary check property. -Documentation updates to clarify expected ECEF precision.


2 years ago

Adds .NET 5.0 Targets


2 years ago

Adjust UTC validation from -12/+12 to -12/+14 to account for countries extending IDL. Crucial update for local time operation in these regions.


2 years ago

Updates MGRS documentation. Updates licenses for purchasing clarification (no end user impact).

3 years ago
  • Adds lunar phase name enum. Coordinate.CelestialInfo.MoonIllum.PhaseNameEnum to provide a reliable method to tap into phase names (does not rely on library's returned string).


3 years ago
  • Adds distance to boundary feature to GeoFence class.
Distance d = geoFence.DistanceFromNearestPolyline(coordinate);
  • Add standard Earth Ellipsoid Specification values, allowing users to specify "datum" enums vs entering radius/flattening values if changing earth shape from standard WGS84. This will adjust UTM/MGRS conversions from lat/long.
  • Adds system specific parsers, allowing more control over string parsing.
MilitaryGridReferenceSystem mgrs;
MilitaryGridReferenceSystem.TryParse(coordString, out mgrs);
MilitaryGridReferenceSystem.TryParse(coordString, Earth_Ellipsoid_Spec.WGS72_1972, out mgrs);
  • Fixes bug causing UTM calculations to not consistently convert when operating outside of WGS84.


3 years ago

Improves GeoFence efficiency by replicating Coordinate eager loading settings.


3 years ago

-Parser improvements.

MGRS strings will fail correctly vs attempting to fix an incorrect string. For example "SMART" would parse as "0ART00". This bug was introduced when meter specification was removed to improve the parser.


3 years ago
  • Fixes binary serialization issues with new celestial coordinates.
  • Adds publicly available subscribable "CoordinateChanged" event in preparation for new library extensions.
  • Releases CoordinateSharp.Magnetic extension package. This package will allow for magnetic field calculations.

Magnetic Guide Magnetic Package

Coordinate c = Coordinate(25,25, new DateTime(2020,1,1));
Magnetic m = new Magnetic(c, DataModel.WMM2020);


3 years ago
  • Fixes UTM parser issue that can occur when Easting and Northing string length are not consistent.