CoordinateSharp Versions Save

A library designed to ease geographic coordinate format conversions, and determine sun/moon information in C#


3 years ago
  • Fixes UPS parser issue that can occur when Easting and Northing string length are not consistent.


3 years ago

-Fixes issue with subsolar/sublunar points jumping to wrong position during tracking. Only effects new features in v2.9.#.#.


3 years ago
  • Fixes critical parsing bug with MGRS coordinates at identifiers MN and ME Issue 171.
  • Fixes float point rounding bug causing seconds and decimal minutes to display "60" instead of "0" Issue 170.
  • Prepares library for optional extension packages coming soon (magnetic declination, NodaTime handles).
  • Adds ability to get solar and lunar coordinates, useful for creating over Earth tracks Issue 164.
//Accessible through Coordinate
Coordinate c = new Coordinate(45, 45, new DateTime(2020, 11, 19, 12, 30, 0));

//Static Method
lc = Celestial.Get_Lunar_Coordinate(new DateTime(2020, 11, 19, 12, 30, 0));


3 years ago
  • Adds Condition property to AltitudeEvents class, allowing users to determine the sun's rise/set condition for a date at specified altitudes.


Coordinate c = new Coordinate(47.40615, -122.24517, new DateTime(2020, 8, 11));

//Determine times the sun passes through 57.8 degrees.
var t = Celestial.Get_Time_at_Solar_Altitude(c, 57.8);
t.Rising; //Null
t.Setting; //Null;

//Should show DownAllDay as the sun never reaches a height of 57.8 degree at the specified location and date.
t.Condition; //DownAllDay
  • Adds ability to output UTM/MGRS rounded and centimeter strings.

UTM/MGRS coordinates are truncated per standard. Though this makes sense in terms of operating in those systems, it can have adverse impacts when converting back and forth between UTM/MGRS and Lat/Long as precision loss will occur. Rounded and Centimeter versions of these systems are also available for output. These values may be more reliable if converting back and forth between UTM/MGRS and Lat/Long systems.


Coordinate c = new Coordinate(40.57682, -70.75678);
c.MGRS.ToRoundedString(); // Outputs 19T CE 51308 93265
c.MGRS.ToCentimterString(); // Outputs 19T CE 51307.55707 93264.83597
  • Improves parsers.

Uneven spacing should no longer effect parsers: "N45 E 45" will now parse.

  • Adds CoordinateSharp.Formatters namespace containing useful mathematical functions to convert things such as radians, degrees, HMS, etc.

  • Completes unit tests port.


3 years ago
  • Improves MGRS_GridBox Marching/Scanning Algorithm.
  • Various XML Fixes.


3 years ago
  • Exposes solar noon property allowing users to obtain solar noon data points.
  • Adds ability to get time of day from a provided sun altitude and position.
  • Adds ability to get MGRS square identifier corner points for specified MGRS coordinate.
  • Parser/XML improvements.

Solar Noon Example

var c = new Coordinate(45.2,-112.4);

Getting Time of Day from Position, Date and Solar Altitude

//lat, long, date, altitude in degrees, UTC offset (if desired).
AltitudeEvents aev = Celestial.Get_Time_at_Solar_Altitude(47.4, -122.6, new DateTime(2020,8,11), 41.6, -7);

//Altitude point crossed time during solar rising
     aev.Rising; //8/11/2020 10:22:12 AM 

//Altitude point crossed time during solar setting
     aev.Setting; //8/11/2020 4:11:33 PM

Obstaining MGRS 100km Square Points/Boundaries

//Create MGRS Coordinate at a Grid Zone Junction Point (partial square)
MilitaryGridReferenceSystem mgrs = new MilitaryGridReferenceSystem("N", 21, "SA", 66037, 61982);

//Set EagerLoad to MGRS only for efficiency
//Only applicable if pulling Lat/Long Coordinate values from box corners
EagerLoad el = new EagerLoad(EagerLoadType.UTM_MGRS);

var gb = mgrs.Get_Box_Boundaries(el);

//Check if box is Valid first (if not corners will be null)

//Get Bottom Left MGRS Object
gb.Bottom_Left_MGRS_Point; //21N SA 66022 00000

//Get Bottom Left Corodinate Object
//Will throw exception if MGRS is not valid.
gb.Bottom_Left_Coordinate_Point; //N 0º 0' 0" W 59º 59' 59.982"


3 years ago

-Adds ability to get Equinox and Solstice information Issue 144. -Adds Solstice/Equinox eager loading extension specification (to turn off new feature and save on performance). -Fixes bug with "TryParse" throwing exceptions under certain conditions Issue 146. -Fixes .NET Core 3.X specific round-tripping issue Issue 147. -Fixes MGRS eager loading specification issues Issue 148 and Issue 150.

Solstice Example

Coordinate c = new Coordinate(45,112, new DateTime(2020,3,6));
Console.WriteLine(c.CelestialInfo.Solstices.Summer);//20-Jun-2020 21:44 (UTC)


4 years ago


4 years ago

-Adds a strong named key to the assembly allowing for use of the assembly in strong named applications.


4 years ago
  • Adds standard Parse() method to both Coordinate and CoordinatePart. This method works just like a standard C# Parse call and will throw exceptions upon failure. It is still recommend that you use TryParse() unless you can ensure coordinate string formatting is correct or you desire to handle your own exceptions.
//Will parse successfully
Coordinate c = Coordinate.Parse("45N 43.456, 64E 25.694");
//Will throw a format exception as Latitude has exceeded bounds
Coordinate c = Coordinate.Parse("205N 43.456, 64E 25.694");
  • Adds last and next, sun/moon rise and set static methods. As CoordinateSharp operates on a "per day" basis you may not always have a celestial rise or set on a given day (especially during the spring months when working in UTC time). These new method will ensure a DateTime is always returned.
 DateTime d = new DateTime(2019, 2, 6);

//Returns 2/7/2019 12:08:33 AM (the next day) as no moon set occurs on the date specified.
 var val = Celestial.Get_Next_MoonSet(40.0352, -74.5844, d);