Cp2k Versions Save

Quantum chemistry and solid state physics software package


6 months ago

New Features

  • Docs: Launch Sphinx-based manual (#2883)
  • TDDFPT: Pseudopotentials, GAPW, GPW, and forces (#2895, #2932 , #2940, #3011, #3110, #3122)
  • RI-HFX for K-points (with gradients and ADMM) (#2998)
  • ADMM: input short cuts (#3118)
  • Long-range quantum computing (WF) in short-range DFT embedding (#2924)
  • Active space: Implement ERI calculation using half-transformed integrals (#3082)
  • GW: open-shell periodic GW (#2920, #3045, #3125)
  • G0W0/SOC: bandstructure, PDOS, local bandgap, periodic (#2994, #3130)
  • NNP: Helium-Solute for interaction (#3043)
  • Time-dependent Field for EMD (#3081)

New Libraries

  • Add experimental support for DLA-Future eigensolver (#3143)
  • Enabling calculations with ECPs libgrpp library (#3147)

Breaking Changes

  • Remove SINGLE_PRECISION_MATRICES keyword (#3096, #3140)
  • Abort run by default on SCF convergence failure (#3148)
  • Drop support for NDEBUG (#3172)
  • Production docker files moved to new repository (#3083)
  • MD: Refactor REFTRAJ / EVAL_ENERGY_FORCES keyword (#2981)
  • Drop CMake option CP2K_BUILD_DBCSR (#3044)


  • Correct LnPP2 Basis sets. Some typos corrected Jun-Bo Lu (#3100, #3102)
  • Fix Wannier localization when using LOW SPIN ROKS (#3108)
  • XAS_TDP: Fix bug leading to crashes when n_ranks>>>nex_atom (#2908)
  • EMD + Time Dependent Electric Field (#3016)
  • Fix parsing atom sites from CIF files (#3092)
  • Fix parsing of CHARMM General Force Fields (#2956)


11 months ago
  • GW: Periodic open-shell and Splitting of electronic states due to spin-orbit coupling (#2639, #2831)

  • GTH pseudopotential database file with spin-orbit coupling (SOC) parameters added (#2848)

  • RTP: TD Field Velocity gauge and projection TD-MOs (#2623, #2744)

  • RTP: Linear density delta kick and restart (#2543)

  • RTP: Enabled ADMM with GAPW (#2729)

  • Implementation of the NVPT for APTs and AATs in velocity form (#2568, #2561)

  • Intrinsic Atomic Orbitals (#2707)

  • Machine Learning: Add PyTorch interface, Nequip and Allegro models (#2420, #2528, #2722)

  • k-points: Implementation of the DIIS/Diag. solver (#2721)

  • TDDFPT: SOC absorption (#2859)

  • GAPW triplet excitation energies and forces (#2837, #2861)

  • EC: Enable DC-DFT with HFX-ADMM for reference and DC calculation (#2780)

  • Add cell symmetry HEXAGONAL_GAMMA_120 (#2758)

  • Grid: Rename backends, change default to CPU (#2772, #2775, #2778)

  • Grid: Enable GPU acceleration for large basis sets (#2787, #2793)

  • FM: Add experimental support for NVIDIA cuSOLVERMp (#2860)

  • Regtesting: Add --smoketest option (#2501)

  • Add support for MPI Fortran 2008 bindings (#2486)

  • Add support for Apptainer/Singularity containers (README)


1 year ago
  • Add gradients for SOS-MP2 and RPA incl. benchmarks (#2208,#2271,#2473)
  • TDDFT/Linear Response: Add GAPW/GAPW_XC and ADMM/GAPW options (#2200)
  • TDDFT: Add excited state forces as property (#2363)
  • RI-RPA: Allow for XC correction in ADMM RI-RPA (#2216)
  • RTP: Velocity gauge and magnetic delta pulse (#2343)
  • GW: Automatically extrapolate k-point mesh (#2229)
  • xTB: Add vdW options (#2431)
  • xTB: Fix electronic energy dependence on EPS_DEFAULT (#2287)
  • Vibrational analysis: Raman Intensities (#2263)
  • New pseudopotentials and basis sets (#2472, #2193)
  • Improve NewtonX interface (#2443)
  • Fist: Add LAMMPS style tabulated pair potentials (#2313)
  • EC: Variational Density-Corrected DFT (DC-DFT) (#2322)
  • Update active space interface (#2346)
  • Helium: Add missing xyz output format (#2432)
  • SIRIUS: Add support for libvdwxc (#2270)
  • ELPA: Fix block size issue on GPU (#2407)
  • Drop Support for MPI 2.0 (#2438)
  • Add experimental CMake build system (#2364)
  • Fix regtests on ARM64 (#1855)
  • Start testing with Address Sanitizer (#2306)
  • Start testing on macOS Apple M1 (sponsored by MacStadium)


1 year ago

This is a minor release to fix the outdated url for Spglib in the toolchain (#2262).

Since the actual source code has not changed the binaries from the previous 2022.1 release are still up-to-date.


1 year ago
  • Migrate tensor operations to new sparse matrix library DBM (#1863)
  • Add HIP support for PW (#1864)
  • Drop support for GCC 5 (#1878)
  • Add GAPW Voronoi integration (#1919)
  • Remove deprecated sections LIBXC and KE_LIBXC (#1921)
  • Add LibXC equivalents to ADMM exchange potentials (#1972)
  • Improve support for metaGGA functionals (#1974)
  • Use SPLA for offloading dgemm on GPUs in the mp2 module (#1951)
  • TDDFT: enable state following using transition charge finger print (#1991)
  • Add barostat for frozen atoms in absolute coordinate (#2000)
  • Fix linkage of COSMA (#2021)
  • Migrate to centralized __OFFLOAD_CUDA/HIP flags (#2027)
  • Add low-scaling SOS-Laplace MP2 forces (#2031)
  • Refactoring of basis set optimization code (#2068)
  • Add k-points for the GW self-energy (#2073)
  • CDFT: forces based on Hirshfeld partitioning (#2111)
  • RPA: Add low-scaling gradients (#2131)
  • MP2: Add more solvers (#2142)
  • GW: Add 4-center Hartree-Fock and ADMM for exchange self-energy (#2145)
  • Print vibrational modes for Newton-X (#2146)
  • Add partially occupied Wannier states (#2154)
  • Voronoi integration: Mitigated issues with symmetric structures, more diagnostic output (#2171)
  • Add GAPW_XC for TDDFPT energies (#2178)


2 years ago
  • Fix MacOS build (#1316)
  • Add NEWTONX interface (#1794)
  • Add Gromacs QM/MM support (see also)
  • Add experimental support for HIP and OpenCL to DBCSR
  • Adopt BSD3 license for new performance critical code (#1632)
  • Add GAL21 forcefield (#1579)
  • Upgrade to MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED (#1564)
  • Add new pseudopotentials and basis sets (#1547, #1551)
  • Add analytical derivatives of the MO coefficients wrt nuclear coordinates (#1706)
  • Add forces for RI-HFX (#1688)
  • Add forces for TDDFT (#1670, #1759)
  • Regularized RI for periodic GW (#1776)
  • Add beadwise constraints to PINT (#1734)
  • Add analytical stress tensor for NNP (#1783)
  • Add ghost particles and tip scan for xTB (#1578)
  • Add forces and stress tensor for MP2-based double-hybrids (#1647)
  • Rewrite regtesting script in Python, arguments changed slightly (#1548)


3 years ago
  • Speedup grid kernels, especially non-orthorhombic on CPU and integrate on GPU
  • Upgrade to COSMA 2.5 (#1303)
  • Add support for ARM64
  • Drop support for GCC 6 (#1203)
  • Upgrade to LibXC 5 and harmonize its input with built in functionals
  • xTB/DFTB: Add stress tensor with efield
  • Motion: Add space group symmetry
  • Fix multi GPU by setting the active device consistently (#814)
  • Fix MOLDEN output (#1335)
  • XAS_TDP: Fix bug in open-shell SOC (#1304)
  • PINT: Fix conserved quantity in PINT-RPMD restart (#1290)
  • ELPA: As a precaution use only for large matrices by default (#1444)
  • libvori: Augmented .voronoi file format provides improved support for TRAVIS (e.g. for spectra simulations)


3 years ago
  • Fix bug affecting ADMM on GPUs (#893)
  • Fix bug affecting Amber dihedrals (#984)
  • Drop support for Python 2 and non-OpenMP builds
  • Add interfaces to GRRM17 and SCINE codes
  • Add support for Cosma (https://github.com/eth-cscs/COSMA)
  • Add support for Voronoi integration of electron density (https://brehm-research.de/voronoi)
  • Add support for output of electron density in compressed BQB format (https://brehm-research.de/bqb)
  • OpenMP refactoring and speed-ups for one electron integrals
  • Response code for polarizabilities: add finite difference debug, hybrid functionals, and ADMM
  • Harris functional based on Kohn-Sham density
  • TDDFPT code refactoring, add sTDA kernel, xTB/sTDA method
  • NNP: Behler-Parrinello Neural Network Potentials
  • XAS_TDP: Add OT solver and improve performance
  • mGGA: Add stress tensor and fix bug (#1116)
  • QMMM: Add benchmarks and speedup GEEP with OpenMP
  • LS: Add sign calculation based on submatrix method
  • ALMO: Add trust region methods
  • RI-HFX: Add resolution of identity for Hartree-Fock exchange
  • RPA/GW/MP2: Several optimizations and refactoring to low-scaling implementation
  • CUDA: GPU acceleration of collocate and integrate grid operations (experimental)


4 years ago
  • SIRIUS: Plane Wave module with GPU support, see also this tutorial for Quantum ESPRESSO users.
  • xTB: Tight-binding module based on doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00118.
  • RPA / GW / MP2: migrated to DBCSR tensors.
  • HELIUM: New canonical worm algorithm based on doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.74.036701.
  • XAS_TDP: X-ray absorption spectra simulations using linear-response TDDFT.
  • NEGF: Contact-specific temperature, correct shift and scale factors.
  • S-ALMO: Major refactoring, added wide variety of options.
  • CDFT: Cleanup and bug fixing.
  • FPGA interface for pw FFT.
  • Updated libraries: DBCSR, ELPA, libint, libxc, libxsmm.
  • The cp2k_shell was integrated into the main binary, simply call cp2k with -s or --shell.
  • Development moved from SVN to Git.


5 years ago