Cpp Examples Save

Numerical C++ examples.

Project README

C++ Examples

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Functions & Algorithms

Currently I implemented following functions & algorithms:

  • Automatic differentiation with dual numbers
  • BBP Type Formula
  • Brent-Salamin Formula
  • Composite Simpson & Double Simpson
  • /dev/random Generator
  • Discrete Fourier Transform
  • Fixed Point Iteration
  • Golden Section Search
  • Jarque–Bera test
  • Lagrange Interpolation
  • Linear Congruent Generator
  • Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
  • Monte-Carlo Integration
  • Pollard Rho Algorithm
  • Runge-Kutta 4th Order (RK4)
  • Uniform & Normal Random Number Generators


You can find examples in examples/ folder.


You can find the documentation at https://mrtkp9993.github.io/Cpp-Examples/.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Cpp Examples" Project. README Source: mrtkp9993/Cpp-Examples

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