Csharpier Versions Save

CSharpier is an opinionated code formatter for c#.


5 months ago

What's Changed

Support for CSharp Script #1141

Previously CSharpier would only format files matching *.cs which prevented it from formatting C# script files. It now formats *.{cs,csx}

Thanks go to @Eptagone for the suggestion

Weird formatting of invocation chain #1130

Invocation chains that started with an identifier <= 4 characters were causing a strange break in the first method call. There were other edge cases cleaned up while working on the fix.

// 0.27.0
var something________________________________________ = x.SomeProperty.CallMethod(

// 0.27.1
var something________________________________________ = x
    .SomeProperty.CallMethod(longParameter_____________, longParameter_____________)
// 0.27.0
var someLongValue_________________ = memberAccessExpression[

// 0.27.1
var someLongValue_________________ = memberAccessExpression[elementAccessExpression]
// 0.27.0

// 0.27.1

Thanks go to @Rudomitori for reporting the issue

"Failed syntax tree validation" for raw string literals #1129

When an interpolated raw string changed indentation due to CSharpier formatting, CSharpier was incorrectly reporting it as failing syntax tree validation.

// input
   """, someValue));

// output

Thanks go to @Rudomitori for reporting the issue

Adding experimental support using HTTP for the extensions to communicate with CSharpier #1137

The GRPC support added in 0.27.0 increased the size of the nuget package significantly and has been removed.

CSharpier can now start a kestrel web server to support communication with the extensions once they are all updated.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/belav/csharpier/compare/0.27.0...0.27.1


5 months ago

What's Changed

Improve formatting of lambda expressions #1066

Many thanks go to @Rudomitori for contributing a number of improvements to the formatting of lambda expressions.

Some examples of the improvements.

// input
var affectedRows = await _dbContext.SomeEntities
        x => 
            x.SetProperty(x => x.Name, x => command.NewName)
                .SetProperty(x => x.Title, x => command.NewTItle)
                .SetProperty(x => x.Count, x => x.Command.NewCount)

// 0.27.0
var affectedRows = await _dbContext.SomeEntities
    .ExecuteUpdateAsync(x =>
        x.SetProperty(x => x.Name, x => command.NewName)
            .SetProperty(x => x.Title, x => command.NewTItle)
            .SetProperty(x => x.Count, x => x.Command.NewCount)
// input
builder.Entity<IdentityUserToken<string>>(b =>
        l =>

// 0.27.0
builder.Entity<IdentityUserToken<string>>(b =>
    b.HasKey(l => new
// input
    x =>

// 0.27.0
    x => new

readonly ref is changed to ref readonly causing error CS9190 #1123

CSharpier was sorting modifiers in all places they occurred. Resulting the following change that led to code that would not compile.

// input
void Method(ref readonly int someParameter) { }

// 0.26.7
void Method(readonly ref int someParameter) { }

// 0.27.0
void Method(ref readonly int someParameter) { }

Thanks go to @aurnoi1 for reporting the bug

#if at the end of collection expression gets eaten #1119

When a collection expression contained a directive immediately before the closing bracket, that directive was not included in the output.

// input
int[] someArray =

// 0.26.7
int[] someArray = [1];

// 0.27.0
int[] someArray =

Thanks go to @Meowtimer for reporting the bug

CSharpier.MsBuild - Set Fallback for dotnetcore3.1 or net5.0 applications #1111

CSharpier.MsBuild made an assumption that the project being built would be built using net6-net8 and failed when the project was built with earlier versions of dotnet.

It now falls back to trying to use net8

Thanks go to @samtrion for the contribution

Allow empty/blank lines in object initializers #1110

Large object initializers now retain single empty lines between initializers.

vvar someObject = new SomeObject
    NoLineAllowedAboveHere = 1,

    ThisLineIsOkay = 2,

    // comment
    AndThisLine = 3,
    DontAddLines = 4,

Thanks go to @Qtax for the suggestion

Add option to allow formatting auto generated files. [#1055](https://github.com/belav/csharpier/issues/1055

By default CSharpier will not format files that were generated by the SDK, or files that begin with <autogenerated /> comments.

Passing the option --include-generated to the CLI will cause those files to be formatted.

Format raw string literals indentation #975

CSharpier now adjusts the indentation of raw string literals if the end delimiter is indented.

// input
var someString = """
            Indent based on previous line

var doNotIndentIfEndDelimiterIsAtZero = """
Keep This
    Where It

// 0.26.7
var someString = """
            Indent based on previous line

var doNotIndentIfEndDelimiterIsAtZero = """
Keep This
    Where It

// 0.27.0
var someString = """
    Indent based on previous line

var doNotIndentIfEndDelimiterIsAtZero = """
Keep This
    Where It

Thanks go to @jods4 for reporting the issue

Incorrect indentation on a multi-line statement split by comments [#968](https://github.com/belav/csharpier/issues/968

CSharpier was not properly indenting an invocation chain when it was being split by comments.

// input
var someValue =
    // Some Comment
        // Another Comment

// 0.26.7
var someValue =
// Some Comment
    // Another Comment

// 0.27.0
var someValue =
    // Some Comment
        // Another Comment

Thanks go to @tyrrrz for reporting the issue

Adding experimental support for GRPC for the extensions to communicate with CSharpier #944

Currently the extensions for CSharpier send data to a running instance of CSharpier by piping stdin/stdout back and forth. This approach has proved problematic and hard to extend.

As of 0.27.0, CSharpier can run a GRPC server to allow communication with the extensions once they are all updated.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/belav/csharpier/compare/0.26.7...0.27.0


6 months ago

What's Changed

Keep Field.Method() on the same line when breaking long method chain #1010

0.26.0 introduced changes that broke long invocation chains on fields/properties as well as methods. That change has been reverted after community feedback.

// 0.26.0
var loggerConfiguration = new LoggerConfiguration()
    .WithProperty("key", "value")
    .WithProperty("key", "value")
    .WithProperty("key", "value")
    .WithProperty("key", "value")
    .Console(outputTemplate: "template");

// 0.26.7
var loggerConfiguration = new LoggerConfiguration()
    .Enrich.WithProperty("key", "value")
    .Enrich.WithProperty("key", "value")
    .Enrich.WithProperty("key", "value")
    .Enrich.WithProperty("key", "value")
    .WriteTo.Console(outputTemplate: "template");

Full Changelog: https://github.com/belav/csharpier/compare/0.26.6...0.26.7


6 months ago

What's Changed

CSharpier incorrectly reports problems with differing line endings as "The file did not end with a single newline"#1067

If CSharpier was validating that a file was formatted, and that file contained only \n but CSharpier was configured to use \r\n, then it would report the problem as The file did not end with a single newline

CSharpier added support for reading line ending configuration from an .editorconfig which could contain end_of_line = crlf so some users were unknowingly configuring CSharpier to use \r\n

CSharpier now correctly reports the problem as The file contained different line endings than formatting it would result in.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/belav/csharpier/compare/0.26.5...0.26.6


6 months ago

What's Changed

0.26.4 sorts NSubstitute before Newtonsoft.Json #1061

The using sorting in 0.26.4 was taking into account case.

// 0.26.4
using System;
using NSubstitute;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

// 0.26.5
using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using NSubstitute;

Thanks go to @loraderon for contributing the fix.

Extra newline added when using a collection expression with { get; } #1063

A collection expression in a property initializer was including an extra new line.

// 0.26.4
public class ClassName
    public List<DayOfWeek> DaysOfWeek { get; } =

            // snip

// 0.26.5
public class ClassName
    public List<DayOfWeek> DaysOfWeek { get; } =
            // snip

Thanks go to @SapiensAnatis for contributing the fix.

Comments at the end of a collection expression should be indented #1059

When the close bracket on a collection expression had a leading comment, it had the same indentation as the bracket.

// 0.26.4
    name: "Kontakt Libraries (Third Party)",
    tags: Tags.SamplesUsed,
    // TODO: Add any used third party instruments below as you discover them.

// 0.26.5
    name: "Kontakt Libraries (Third Party)",
    tags: Tags.SamplesUsed,
        // TODO: Add any used third party instruments below as you discover them.

Thanks go to @fgimian for reporting the problem

Full Changelog: https://github.com/belav/csharpier/compare/0.26.4...0.26.5


6 months ago

What's Changed

There were a number of cases where CSharpier was including extra blank lines, an extra space, or not formatting contents of collection expressions.

// 0.26.3
var a = new A { B =  [1, 2, 3] };

List<string> items = [// My item



items =  [];
items ??=  [];

class SomeClass
    public SomeValue SomeProperty =>


    public SomeValue Method() =>


// 0.26.4
var a = new A { B = [1, 2, 3] };

List<string> items =
    // My item


items = [];
items ??= [];

class SomeClass
    public SomeValue SomeProperty =>

    public SomeValue Method() =>

Thanks go to @fgimian and @JoshWoodArup for reporting the issues

Usings sorting differs based on system culture #1051

The sorting of Usings was done in a culture specific manner, resulting in unexpected behavior.
In Czech (cs-CZ) the ch is a "single letter" which is placed between h and i, which resulted in the following sorting behavior.

// 0.26.3
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts;
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility;
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Channel;

// 0.26.4
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Channel;
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts;
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility;

Thanks go to @davidkudera for the contribution


7 months ago

What's Changed

C#12 Collection expressions are prefixed with two spaces #1009

// 0.26.0
List<int> ids =  [];

// 0.26.3
List<int> ids = [];

Thanks go to @Jackenmen for reporting the problem.

CSharpier inserts extra spaces around the contents of collection expressions #1002

// 0.26.0
List<int> ids = [ ];
List<int> ids = [ 1, 2, 3 ];

// 0.26.3
List<int> ids = [];
List<int> ids = [1, 2, 3];

Thanks go to @golavr for reporting the problem.

Configuration files not respected for stdin #1028

When piping a file to csharpier via stdin, CSharpier uses the working directory to locate any configuration files. This was broken with 0.26.0.

Thanks go to @kikniknik for reporting the problem.

Modify CSharpier.MSBuild to use NETCoreSdkVersion to detect which sdk to use for running CSharpier #1022 #1027

Previously CSharpier.MSBuild was using targetFramework to determine which version of CSharpier to run. This was problematic when there were multiple target frameworks, or the project was targeting a superset such as net8.0-windows

It now makes use of NETCoreSdkVersion to determine which version of CSharpier to run.

Thanks go to @Tyrrrz for the suggestion and to @Cjewett for the contribution to make it work

CSharpierIgnore not respected when recursively finding .editorconfig

When looking for .editorconfig files, CSharpier looks for them recursively in the current directory. This logic was not taking into account any files or directories ignored by a .csharpierignore.

Thanks go to @sebastieng84 for the contribution.

Optimize editorconfig lookups when piping files #1039

CSharpier now only looks for an .editorconfig for the file being piped to CSharpier. Under normal usage it recursively looks for all possible .editorconfig files for the given directory.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/belav/csharpier/compare/0.26.2...0.26.3


7 months ago

Improves error handling and reports when it is not possible to get CSharpier started to format files. Deals with the githash in version numbers correctly.


7 months ago


What's Changed

CSharpier.MsBuild does not support DotNet 8 #1012

When using CSharpier.MsBuild in a setting where the project targeted net8.0 and only the net8 sdk was installed, CSharpier.MsBuild would attempt to run the net7.0 version of csharpier and fail because the net7 sdk was not installed.

Thanks go to @aditnryn for the fix

Global System using directives should be sorted first #1003

Global using were not sorting System to the top, which was inconsistent with regular using.

// 0.26.1
global using ZWord;
global using AWord;
global using System.Web;
global using System;

// 0.26.2
global using System;
global using System.Web;
global using AWord;
global using ZWord;

Thanks go to @vipentti for the fix

Full Changelog: https://github.com/belav/csharpier/compare/0.26.1...0.26.2


7 months ago

What's Changed

Editorconfig with duplicated sections was freezing IDE's #989

CSharpier was unable to parse an .editorconfig file that contained duplicate sections and would crash. This would result in a hung IDE.

insert_final_newline = true

spelling_languages = en-us

Thanks go to @echoix for helping track this down.

A .csharpierrc file anywhere above a file now takes priority over any .editorconfig #987

Given the following setup


Originally with 0.26.0, the /src/ProjectName/.editorconfig file would be used for determining the configuration options for a file within src/ProjectName. This resulted in the existing options within .csharpierrc being ignored.

With 0.26.1, if a .csharpierrc exists anywhere above a given file, it will be used to determine the configuration options.

Thanks go to @parched for reporting the issue.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/belav/csharpier/compare/0.26.0...0.26.1