Cyberdream.nvim Save

🤖💤 High-contrast, Futuristic & Vibrant Coloursheme for Neovim

Project README

A high-contrast, futuristic & vibrant theme for neovim

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🚀 Features

  • Transparency-first design - all design decisions are made with transparency in mind
  • High contrast - Colours have been carefully chosen to be cohesive and easy on the eyes while still being easy to distinguish
Supported Plugins

image image

📦 Installation


    lazy = false,
    priority = 1000,


use { "scottmckendry/cyberdream.nvim" }

Lualine (optional):

        -- ... other config
        options = {
            theme = "auto", -- "auto" will set the theme dynamically based on the colorscheme
        -- ... other config

See my personal lualine config here for an example.

🎨 Usage

vim.cmd("colorscheme cyberdream")

⚙️ Configuring

Calling setup is optional, but allows you to configure the theme to your liking. Below is an example of all the available configuration options with their default values:

    -- Enable transparent background
    transparent = false,

    -- Enable italics comments
    italic_comments = false,

    -- Replace all fillchars with ' ' for the ultimate clean look
    hide_fillchars = false,

    -- Modern borderless telescope theme
    borderless_telescope = true,

    -- Set terminal colors used in `:terminal`
    terminal_colors = true,

    theme = {
        variant = "default", -- use "light" for the light variant. Also accepts "auto" to set dark or light colors based on the current value of `vim.o.background`
        highlights = {
            -- Highlight groups to override, adding new groups is also possible
            -- See `:h highlight-groups` for a list of highlight groups or run `:hi` to see all groups and their current values

            -- Example:
            Comment = { fg = "#696969", bg = "NONE", italic = true },

            -- Complete list can be found in `lua/cyberdream/theme.lua`

        -- Override a highlight group entirely using the color palette
        overrides = function(colors) -- NOTE: This function nullifies the `highlights` option
            -- Example:
            return {
                Comment = { fg =, bg = "NONE", italic = true },
                ["@property"] = { fg = colors.magenta, bold = true },

        -- Override a color entirely
        colors = {
            -- For a list of colors see `lua/cyberdream/colours.lua`
            -- Example:
            bg = "#000000",
            green = "#00ff00",
            magenta = "#ff00ff",

🧑‍🍳 Recipes

Include these alongside the setup function to add additional functionality to the theme.

Map a key to toggle between light and dark mode

-- Add a custom keybinding to toggle the colorscheme
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>tt", ":CyberdreamToggleMode<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })

Create an autocmd to hook into the toggle event and run custom code

-- The event data property will contain a string with either "default" or "light" respectively
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
    pattern = "CyberdreamToggleMode",
    callback = function(event)
        -- Your custom code here!
        -- For example, notify the user that the colorscheme has been toggled
        print("Switched to " .. .. " mode!")


🤝 Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. If a plugin you use is not supported, please open an issue and I'll try to add support for it. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please open an issue.

1. For Lazyvim users, refer to the LazyVim docs for specific instructions.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Cyberdream.nvim" Project. README Source: scottmckendry/cyberdream.nvim

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