DAABBCC Versions Save

Dynamic AABB Tree native extension with Branch and Bound Algorithm for Defold Engine


3 months ago
  • Internal Update Frequency added. Default value is set from game.project file (display.frequency).
    It is now possible to set a new internal(independent from Defold game loop) update frequency by using aabb.update_frequency().
  • Fixed #9


1 year ago
  • Table count added to query results.
  • Documentation update


1 year ago


  • It is now possible to sort results by distance. Use raycast_sort, query_id_sort, query_sort according to your needs #5.
  • Automated position updates for Defold Gameobjects #6.
  • External Array and HashTable libs are removed.
  • Group limit removed (previously the number of groups was limited to 20)
  • Remove Gameobject when AABB or Group removed
  • Clear function added for removing and resetting everything.
  • Stop/Resume for automated Gameobject position updates.
  • All query results return nil when they are empty. No need to check #count anymore.


1 year ago


2 years ago


4 years ago

New version is on the way. I'm going to drop supporting v1.0


4 years ago