Danielchalmers SteamAccountSwitcher Save

Quickly switch between your Steam accounts

Project README

Steam Account Switcher

Release License

Quickly switch between your Steam accounts with a lightweight and easy to use menu.

Tray menu


✅ Fast — switch users through the tray icon
✅ Easy — accounts are found automatically
✅ Safe — no VAC risk & doesn't store passwords
✅ Open — free & open source forever


➡️ Get it from the Releases page (see Assets).

Windows 10 version 1903 or newer is recommended.

What's new in v3.0

  • The tray icon is now the default and the main window has been removed in order to streamline the app.
  • Accounts are now automatically discovered — no setup needed!
  • Passwords are handled entirely by Steam for extra security and ease of use.
  • Steam Guard is not required on every login like before.
  • Cleaner codebase that's easier to understand and change.


Looking for the old version? Download v2.3.1 here.

v2.3.1 Main window

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Danielchalmers SteamAccountSwitcher" Project. README Source: danielchalmers/SteamAccountSwitcher
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 year ago

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