Dbeaver Versions Save

Free universal database tool and SQL client


1 week ago
            - AI: GPT-4o model was supported
            - SQL Editor:
                - Auto-save editor setting was enabled by default
                - ILIKE keyword was supported
                - Support for unsigned numbers in GROUP BY clause was added
                - Syntax highlighting and outline viewer support parameter changes in SQL Processing settings
                - Links to the SQL Editor and Visual Query Builder were added to the Context menu
                - Buttons in the right toolbar were renamed
                - Print mode in ER Diagrams and Execution plan was fixed
                - Saving Diagram outside the workspace was fixed
            - Data Editor:
                - Information about table unique key is displayed in the grid
                - BETWEEN and LIKE keywords were added to filetr autocomplection
            - Data transfer:
                - Export of data with backticks was fixed (thanks to @diashalabi)
                - Export of binary columns in JSON format was fixed
            - General:
                - Ability to restore default settings was fixed in SQL Editor Formatting settings, SQL Editor settings, SQL Editor Commit type, Error handling settings, and Hex Editor default width
                - Creating a view from the UI was fixed
                - Buttons display when creating new dashboard was fixed
                - New table creation was fixed
            - The following drivers were updated:
                - Firebird to version 5.0.4
                - Redshift to
                - Informix to 4.50.JC10W1
            - Databases
                - Altibase: Search for server properties was added (thanks to @zennken)
                - BigQuery: Ability to see bytes billed in Statistics panel in the Data Editor was added
                - Cubrid:
                    - Execution plan coloring was enhanced (thanks to @hwany7seo)
                    - Ability to create a table via UI was added (thanks to @longhaseng52)
                    - DDL display for a view was added together with the ability to display the list of indexes, synonyms, serials, triggers, and procedures (thanks to @longhaseng52)
                    - Ping query for keep connection alive was added (thanks to @rathana-pvs)
                    - Partition display was added (thanks to @rathana-pvs)
                - PostgreSQL:
                    - If database field in connection settings is empty, user name is used as a database name
                    - Work of 'Use fully qualified names' setting was fixed for views
                - Redis: Key settings were fixed
                - Redshift: Constraint creation was fixed
                - Vertica: Stored procedures handling in SQL Editor was fixed


3 weeks ago
            Changes since 24.0.5:
            - SQL Editor: issue with extra linefeed during autocompletion was fixed
            - Data Editor: loading data when fast scrolling using the keyboard was fixed
            - Database tasks:
                - Maximum execution time option was added
                - Tasks running from non-default workspace was fixed
            - Connectivity:
                - 'Azure AD' was renamed to 'Microsoft Entra ID'
                - Links to database support documentation were added for many databases
                - Automatical termination of the shell command script 'Before connect' was fixed
            - General:
                - Crash when closing detached editor tab in another window was fixed
                - 'Restore default' for Metadata read, Client identification settings was fixed
                - .projects and .settings folders became findable in Projects when the application is used as an Eclipse plugin
                - Truncated notifications were fixed
            - Projects:
                - Disconnecting a database from the Project view was fixed
                - Opening a bookmark after changing the application language was fixed (thanks to @SASUKE38)
            - ERD: loading diagrams for drivers with broken foreign keys support was fixed
            - Database Navigator:
                - Color of the table statistics was changed to visible in the dark theme and became configurable
                - Deleting connection option in the context menu was renamed to 'Delete connection'
            - Databases:
                - CrateDB: table DDL was fixed
                - Databricks: authentication with personal access token was added
                - DB2i: procedure creation was fixed
                - DuckDB: aliases autocompletion was fixed
                - H2: foreign keys presentation was fixed
                - Oracle: JSON data type support was improved
                - PostgreSQL: support of fully qualified names in DDL was fixed
            - Localization:
                - German localization was updated (thanks to @maxbobse)


1 month ago
            - SQL Editor:
                - Smart mode for statement delimiter was improved
                - Default option for the setting 'Blank line is statement delimiter' was changed to 'Always'
                - Cursor behavior during autocompletion was improved
                - Code highlighting issue with a quoted identifier in case of no connection was fixed
                - High CPU usage for large script was fixed
            - Metadata Editor:
                - Highlighting for created entities was changed to green
                - Virtual foreign keys: reference table container selector was fixed
            - Database Navigator: CTRL+C and other shortcuts behavior after the application startup were fixed
            - AI (extension): custom scope performance was improved
            - General:
                - Opening editors for files with special symbols in names was fixed
                - Portable distribution of the application was fixed (config files location)
                - Licensing for some source files was fixed
            - Eclipse plugin: new database objects create was fix
            - Databases
                - DuckDB: Spatial data visualization support was added
                - Oracle:
                    - Partition type display was added
                    - Materialized view refresh was fixed
                - SQL Server: Default IDENTITY was changed to (1,1) (thanks to @Sgierek106)
                - Vertica: LOOP - END LOOP as a block and DECLARE were added to the syntax analyser


1 month ago
            - SQL Editor:
                - Smart mode for Blank line is statement delimiter  setting was fixed
                - Vertical button alignment was fixed
            - ER Diagrams: Keep layout selection was fixed
            - Data transfer:
                - Import from CSV with duplicated columns names was fixed
                - Parallel data transfer monitoring/cancellation were fixed
            - Dashboards:
                - Ability to drag and drop charts to another dashboard was added
                - Number of minor UI improvements were added
            - Connectivity:
                - SSH parameters validation on the Connection page was added
                - Editing of 'Local host' and 'Remote host' fields in the Port Forwarding section was fixed
                - Database connection timeout notification was fixed
            - Development: Redundant tests were disabled
            - Databases
                - MariaDB:
                    - GRANT OPTION privilege persistence was fixed
                    - Schema privileges representation was fixed
                - SQL Server: trigger deletion was fixed
                - Teradata: link to the referenced table in the Metadata editor was added
            - Localization: French translation was updated (thanks to @Jean-BaptisteC)
            - General:
                - Language configuration in Windows installer was fixed
                - We have migrated to Eclipse 2024/06


2 months ago
            - General:
                - Migration from Toad for Oracle was supported
                - Sensitive information in the log files is now masked
            - SQL Editor:
                - Smart mode for 'Blank line as statement delimiter' option was added (enabled by default)
                - Sub-select autocompletion was added
                - Highlighting of column references in INSERT queries was fixed
                - Outline viewer opening was fixed
                - Issue with hidden text on macOS was fixed
            - Connectivity:
                - Space trimming when saving user credentials was added
                - Saving SSH configuration with missing AWS private key was fixed
                - Reconnecting via SSH tunnel was fixed
            - ER Diagrams: foreign keys presentation was fixed
            - AI:
                - AI assistant is enabled by default
                - Database metadata collection was fixed
            - Dashboards: disappearance of custom dashboards after version update was fixed
            - Connectivity:
                - Space trimming when saving user credentials was added
                - Saving SSH configuration with missing AWS private key was fixed
                - Reconnecting via SSH tunnel was fixed


2 months ago
            - Connectivity:
                - Using multiple jumps tunnels when connecting via SSH was supported
                - Enable tunnel sharing option was added
                - Test connection was fixed
            - SQL Editor:
                - WHERE TRUE and SELECT UNIQUE support was added
                - Error with single quoted string was fixed
                - Syntax highlighting after active schema change was fixed
            - Data Editor:
                - Automatic row count option was added (thanks to @utsav1704)
            - Metadata editor:
                - Deleting table comments was fixed
                - Linking with the editor was fixed
            - General:
                - Ability to collect log files from the interface was added
                - Transaction rollback behavior was fixed
                - Metadata changes were removed from the commit counter
                - Autocommit in production databases was fixed
            - Data transfer:
                - Ability to specify header case in the target file was added
                - Typo in the confirmation dialog was fixed
            - Databases:
                - Cubrid: Query plan feature was added (thanks to @rathana-pvs)
                - Old MySQL drivers were repacked
                - PostgreSQL: Jobs, roles, and system information were hidden in the Hide Folders mode
                - SQLite: Deleting columns was fixed


3 months ago
            - Connectivity:
                - Shared SSH sessions support was added
                - Connection via native proxy was fixed
                - Dark theme support on the Connection page was improved
            - SQL Editor:
                - Highlighting, validation, and outline for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE were supported
                - Incorrect cursor position during autocomplete was fixed
                - QUALIFY keyword was supported (thanks to @ashu7896)
            - Metadata editor: automatic reference column creation for a new foreign key was implemented
            - Data Editor:
                - Opening of a table with empty data was fixed
                - SRID editing was fixed
            - General:
                - SVG icons support was added
                - Error when checking checkboxes in the Formatting page in Preferences was fixed
                - Disappearance of renamed project was fixed (thanks to @saikotek)
            - Databases
                - Dameng: Sequence creation was fixed
                - DuckDB:
                    - Sequences, views, and table definitions were supported
                    - Ability to add comments via UI was added
                - MySQL: link to the driver documentation was fixed
                - RisingWave: non-working functions and folders were removed
                - PostgreSQL: issues with scheduled jobs was resolved
                - SQLite: errors when creating table was fixed
                - SQL Server: redundant authentication types were hidden
                - Sybase: stored procedures support was improved
                - Teradata: procedures and functions DDLs reading was enhanced
            - Localization:
                - Romanian language support was added (thanks to @v613)
                - French translation was updated (thanks to @Jean-BaptisteC)


3 months ago
            Changes since 23.3.5:
            - SQL Editor:
                - Nested CASE statements were supported
                - Deleting queries from Outline was fixed
                - Type casts support was improved
                - Handling of right-click on collapsed query was fixed
                - Expanding collapsed group after the code execution was fixed
            - Metadata editor: changing the key name when a constraint is changed
            - Data Editor: SRID switching in the Spatial data viewer was fixed
            - ER Diagram:
                - Missing connection lines were fixed
                - Mikami-Tabuchi routing type was disabled
            - AI:
                - Comment presentation was improved
                - Sending unique keys and indexes was fixed
            - Data Transfer:
                - Export statistic was fixed
                - Import blocking in case of table creation restriction was fixed
                - Stack overflow on Linux was fixed
            - Connectivity: closing timeout for an idle connection was increased and disabled for embedded drivers
            - Security:
                - Vulnerabilities display in Elasticsearch was fixed
                - PosgtreSQL driver was upgraded due to CVE-2024-1597
            - General:
                - Smart commit mode was enhanced: if the manual commit mode was enabled and just after it the query failed, the smart commit mode is enabled again
                - Links between preference pages were fixed
                - Issue with not found tables was fixed
                - Release note display was corrected
                - Driver libraries download was fixed
                - Previous workspace format was supported
                - Usage statistics popup was redesigned
            - Databases:
                - DuckDB: WSL paths handling was fixed
                - Greenplum: STRICT keyword was added to function definition
                - Hana: Switch to the Kerberos authentication in the Connection page was fixed
                - MariaDB: The exported JSON format was fixed
                - MySQL and MariaDB:
                    - "Disable Triggers" option was added to the Context menu
                    - "Case-sensitive" option was added to the metadata search
                    - Databases with the same name but different name case are considered as different databases
                - Oracle:
                    - Generating DDL for triggers was fixed
                - SQL Server: additional table properties were added for tables and views in the properties editor
                - Yellowbricks icons and link to the website were changed


4 months ago
            - SQL Editor:
                - Syntax highlighting was improved
                - Highlighting in nested queries and on query editing was fixed
                - Scrolling with opened Outline was fixed
                - Applying settings to Outline was fixed
                - Order by i.* was supported in Outline
                - Joined tables presentation in Outline was fixed
            - AI: Ability to send object descriptions to OpenAI was added
            - Data Editor:
                - Scrolling multiple tab result was improved. You can scroll all result sets using Ctrl
                - Fetch next page shortcut was changed to CTRL+ALT+N
            - ER Diagram: Connections rendering was improved
            - Data transfer:
                - The Proceed button at the last step became more visible
                - On conflict expression was added to INSERT statements
                - Crash when importing CSV file was fixed
                - Extra space before the semicolon in export to SQL was removed
            - General:
                - Close idle connection setting saving was fixed
                - Application launch was improved
                - Unexpected transaction ending was fixed
                - Settings are applied to new connections without a restart
                - User credential dialog was fixed
                - Issue with the background task of the dashboard update was fixed
                - Temporary directory creation was fixed
            - Security: Added warning when trying to open an encrypted project and risk losing all connection credentials
            - New driver:
                - StarRocks database support was added
            - Databases:
                - MariaDB driver was updated to version 3.3.2
                - Oracle:
                    - Keywords and schemes highlighting was improved
                    - Default subpartition type was added
                - PostgreSQL:
                    - Creating a new table from the user interface was fixed
                    - Duplication of procedures was fixed
                - Snowflake: VIEW keyword highlighting and validation was improved
                - SQL Server:
                    - Syntax highlighting was fixed
                - Sybase:
                    - Stored procedure creation was added
                    - Using create view instead of Alter view was fixed
                    - Import with table mapping was fixed
            - Localization:
                - French translation was updated (thanks to @Jean-BaptisteC)
                - Babel version was updated


4 months ago
            - Metadata Editor:
                - Constraint creation was fixed
                - Editor performance on Linux was enhanced
            - SQL Editor:
                - Autocomplete for aggregate functions was added
                - Arrays highlighting was added
                - SELECT query validation was fixed
                - Color and font settings with enabled semantic analysis was fixed
                - Small font in the editor and result set was fixed
                - Creating multiple parsing jobs was fixed
            - Outline viewer:
                - Composite types and arrays support and validation was added
                - Data type decorations were added
                - Error when saving SQL console as a script was fixed
            - AI: Issue with using chat format in completion dialog was fixed
            - Data Editor:
                - Ignoring quotes option was added to Advanced paste
                - Issue with multiple checks in filters was fixed
            - ER Diagram: Self-connection rendering was enhanced
            - Data Transfer:
                - Delimiter selection when exporting in TXT format was added
                - Target table change on the mapping page was fixed
            - General: Idle connections behavior has changed, now they are automatically closed by default after some time
            - New drivers:
                - RisingWave driver support was added
                - Cubrid driver support was significantly enhanced (thanks to @longhaseng52)
            - Databases:
                - Altibase:
                    - Adding and renaming constraint in metadata editor was fixed
                    - Reading data in columns with quote names was fixed
                - Clickhouse: Legacy driver was fixed
                - MySQL and MariaDB: 'Grant option' is checked only if grant permission exists
                - Snowflake:
                    - Snowflake driver was updated to version 3.14.4
                    - Double-dash single-line comments highlighting was fixed
                    - Functions words were added to SQL Editor
                - SQLite driver was updated to version
                - TDengine: Unqoted table names presentation was fixed
                - PostgreSQL: Option 'Show all databases' was moved to the main page in the Connection settings
                - Redshift: Added extended support for stored procedures for early Redshift versions
            - Misc:
                - Links to download PRO version were added
                - Ability to use waffle-jna in MariaDB, PostgeSQL, and Oracle was added
                - Flipped splash screen on macOS Sonoma was fixed