Deepxde Versions Save

A library for scientific machine learning and physics-informed learning


1 month ago

Areas of improvement

  • Add 2D interface boundary condition
  • Backend JAX: Support loss weights
  • Backend JAX: Support dde.nn.PFNN
  • Backend JAX: Support dde.callbacks.OperatorPredictor
  • Backend JAX: Fix input and output transform
  • Add new examples in docs

Thanks to all the contributors to this release!

@lululxvi @kuangdai @HydrogenSulfate @bonneted @jdellag @vl-dud @SebastianCobaise


4 months ago
  • DeepXDE stops the support of Python 3.8 from this release.
  • Many exciting new functions of automatic differentiation (AD) are added.

Areas of improvement

  • dde.grad supports forward-mode AD for backends TensorFlow 1.x and 2.x, PyTorch, JAX. Use dde.config.set_default_autodiff to select.
  • dde.grad.jacobian allows both i and j are None
  • Backend PyTorch: DeepONet supports multiple outputs

New APIs


6 months ago

Areas of improvement

  • Refactor dde.grad module
  • Backend TensorFlow 1.x and 2.x: DeepONet & DeepONetCartesianProd support multiple outputs
  • Backend TensorFlow: Add regularization to DeepONet
  • Backend PyTorch: Bug fix of MIONet input_transform
  • Backend JAX: Support more PINN examples
  • Backend JAX: Bug fix of dde.grad


8 months ago

Areas of improvement

  • dde.geometry.PointCloud supports boundary_normal
  • Backend pytorch: Allow L-BFGS line search
  • Backend pytorch: Update GPU code to support pytorch 2.1.0


10 months ago

Areas of improvement

  • Improve float32/float16 compatibility
  • Improve examples and documents
  • Backend TensorFlow: Support DeepONet and PI-DeepONet
  • Backend PyTorch: Support PI-DeepONet
  • Backend PyTorch: Bug fix and support more functions
  • Backend Paddle: Support PI-DeepONet
  • Backend Paddle: Support batch_size in PointSetBC


11 months ago

Areas of improvement

  • Add new geometry dde.geometry.StarShaped
  • Add approximate distance functions for hard-constraint methods
  • Backend pytorch: Support auxiliary_variables
  • Add many PI-DeepONet examples
  • Improve documentation


1 year ago

This is a bugfix release for backend paddle.


1 year ago

DeepXDE supports data-parallel training of PINN now.🎉🎉🎉

Areas of improvement

  • Backend tensorflow.compat.v1: Support data-parallel training of PINN via Horovod in both weak and strong scaling modes
  • Backend paddle: Some updates to support the new Paddle version
  • Bug fix for Float16

New APIs

  • Add dde.config.set_parallel_scaling to set parallel mode
  • Add dde.config.set_hvd_opt_options for hvd.DistributedOptimzer


1 year ago

We stop the support of Python 3.7 from this release.

Areas of improvement

  • If no backend is selected, automatically find an available backend.


1 year ago

Areas of improvement

  • Many improvements for backends:
    • Display more information
    • Verify if the backend is available/importable
    • Add interactive installation of Paddle
  • Backend PyTorch: Model.restore supports restoring model to a specified device
  • Use setuptools_scm for VCS versioning

New APIs

  • Support new geometry dde.geometry.Ellipse