Devedbox Commander Versions Save

🚀The framework to write type-safe and structured command line program easily in Swift.


5 years ago


  • Added built-in command list to list the subcommands and options of given command.
  • Added built-in command complete to generate and execute the completion scripts for bash and zsh both.


  • Fixed and make the help options with extra available options an std error


5 years ago


  • Adds optional description of command describer to describe the options with default value


5 years ago


  • Fixs the missing of running commands for subcommands


5 years ago

Release Notes:


  • Parsing help options error because the priority of .unrecognizedOptions error has been replaced.


  • Parsing single arguments in anywhere instead of single one in trailing of options:
    • commander args... --options
    • commander --options... args... --options...
    • commander --options... args...


5 years ago

Commanderthe command line arguments decoding framework makes it easy to write cli application in Swift.

Release Notes:

  • Fixs:
    1. Wrong commands of custom commander given to HelpCommand.


5 years ago

Commander the command line arguments decoding framework makes it easy to write cli application in Swift.

Release Notes:

  • Fixs:
    1. Wrong help messages of custom commander gives to HelpCommand


5 years ago

Commander the command line arguments decoding framework makes it easy to write cli application in Swift.

Release Notes:

  • Fully decoding of cli args with following patterns:
    1. {cmd} --{key} {value} ... -- [args...]
    2. {cmd} --{key}={value} ... [args...]
    3. {cmd} --{bool} ...
    4. {cmd} -{k} {value} ...
    5. {cmd} -{k}={value} ...
    6. {cmd} --{b} ...
    7. {cmd} --{global-k} ...
  • Supports nested command with following patterns:
    1. {cmd} {cmd1} {cmd2} ...
  • Tests' coverage reachs 80% and more.
  • Easy to use and write.
  • Totally customizable with CommanderRepresentable, CommandRepresentable and OptionsRepresentable.