Discord.fm Save

Show what you're scrobbling on Discord at all times!

Project README

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GitHub release downloads (latest by date) GitHub Workflow Status License: MIT Using pypresence package

Multi-platform background service that shows what you're scrobbling on Last.fm to on Discord, with automatic updates, cover art image, support for Discord Canary and a UI for changing settings.

Originally forked from Last.fm-Discord-Rich-Presence by Gust4Oliveira


The app currently supports Windows (minimum Windows 10) and Linux through generic binaries with an installer script. Flatpak support is incoming and macOS support is planned.

  • Download the latest release
  • Run the installer
  • Wait a bit and the app's settings will open. Type in your Last.fm username and close the window.
  • Done!

Setting up dev environment

Discord.fm provides a setup script with some useful functions for devs. A full list of parameters can be viewed by running the command python setup.py -h or simply running the script with no flags or commands.


On Windows

  • A C compiler, such as MSVC or GCC (we recommend MSYS2, includes GCC)
    • PyInstaller is used to freeze the app for distribution. However, using pip to install it will trigger false positives in many antiviruses. This is why we will need to build it ourselves, and thus the need for a C compiler.

After all requirements are met, just clone the repo and run the setup:

git clone https://github.com/androidWG/Discord.fm
cd Discord.fm
python setup.py setup

The script should set up everything for you. Then, you can run the app with

python setup.py run


Simply use the setup.py script again:

python setup.py build

The script will set up anything if needed, then build the app and subsequently the installer - both only for the current platform. You can pass the flag --installer-only or --build-only to skip the other step.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Discord.fm" Project. README Source: androidWG/Discord.fm
Open Issues
Last Commit
6 months ago

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